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The Euro and older Macs


System 6 doesn't support the Euro currency character out of the box, neither do system 7 and 8. Apple started giving support for the Euro currency character around Mac OS 8.5. Of course this doesn't mean that you are not able to display or print the Euro currency character with older macintosh operating systems.

Displaying the Euro currency character
The only thing you have to do in order to be able to display Euro currency characters with older Mac systems is the installation of a recent TrueType or Postscript* font with support for the Euro currency character. If you have a PowerMac running Mac OS 8.5 or later around you can copy a couple of TrueType fonts from the font folder in your system folder to your system 6 Mac and install them (read this if you need to know how to install Truetype fonts). Other solutions are the conversion of recent Windows TrueType fonts to Macintosh TrueType Fonts using this utility.
There are also special Euro currency character fonts available, like this one available for download. It will allow you to insert the Euro currency character using a seperate font.

Printing the Euro currency character
Printing to a inkjet printer like the StyleWriter I and II and the HP Deskwriter 500-600 is no problem. Things get a bit more troublesome with vintage laser printers with old PostScript fonts in ROM that do not support the Euro Currency character. Even if you install a compatible TrueType version of a font in your system folder or in the RAM space of your laser printer, it will refuse to print the Euro currency character unless you use a PowerMac running Mac OS 8.5 or later. Printing a document with a font that is not installed in ROM works fine.
The only setback is that these fonts have to be downloaded to your laser printer before your document can be printed (this downloading is a process that takes place automatically when printing). You can avoid these downloads by attaching a hard disk with fonts to your laser printer.
I expect that printing to a newer laser printer with Euro currency character compatible fonts in ROM will work just fine.

*For the use of PostScript fonts Adobe Type Manager needs to be installed

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