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Floppy Driven Macs

One of the beauties of System 6 is that it is small enough to run from a floppy disk. If your vintage Mac has a hard drive it makes little sense to run system 6 on a floppy. You'd be better off installing it on your hard disk because hard disks are faster than floppies and offer a lot more disk space.
But if you like your Mac Plus to remain silent and don't wanna add some noisy external hard disk to it, or if you have a SE or LC without an internal hard disk (these models were generally built with two floppy drives), you'll need to run your Mac from floppies.
System 6 was developed in an age that lots of Macs didn't have internal hard disks and because of that it has all the features needed to handle Macs without a hard disk. This cannot be said from System 7 or later versions of the Mac OS.

(Dis)advantages of Floppy Driven Macs

The beauty of Floppy Driven Macs

The Art of Floppy Driven Macs - three ways to run your Mac Plus from floppy drives

Look Mom!

Links Updated




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