Apple Announces System Software 6.0.3 For Macintosh SE/30 APPLE ANNOUNCES SYSTEMS SOFTWARE 6.0.3 FOR NEW MACINTOSH SE/30 MacWorld, San Francisco, California. January 19, 1989. Apple Computer, Inc. today announced Macintosh(R) System Software 6.0.3 for use with Macintosh computers. Macintosh System Software 6.0.3 is a revision of System Software to support the Macintosh SE/30 and is packaged with Macintosh computers. What changed in 6.0.3? The changes in 6.0.3 are for the most part specific to the Macintosh SE/30 and offer no increased functionality to users in the installed base. The changes made to the System were to the Time Manager, AppleTalk(R) Driver and FDHD(TM) (SuperDrive) Driver and Responder, all for the Macintosh SE/30. The 6.0.3 also contains a new version of Apple File Exchange. A change was also made to the System File to accommodate Apple's 32-Bit QuickDraw(TM) software when it is released. While anyone using Macintosh Plus, SE, II or IIx computers can upgrade to 6.0.3, there is virtually no reason to do so. Even in situations where numerous Macintosh computers are networked together, users should encounter no problems mixing systems operating with 6.0.2 and 6.0.3. Who should upgrade to 6.0.3? -- Users of Apple File Exchange -- Users of Apple's 32-Bit QuickDraw software (when it is released) Change to the release strategy for Macintosh System Software: Previously Apple had recommended that all users upgrade to each release of System Software. Beginning with System Software 6.0.3, Apple will classify System Software releases into one of two categories: product support releases or major system releases. Product support releases support new Macintosh CPUs, peripherals and network products. With the announcement of a product support release, Apple will specify exactly who should be using the new software, and what versions of the System Software are compatible on a network. A major system release will contain software features beneficial to all users. Apple will recommend that all users in the installed base upgrade to the major systems release. "Apple has improved its System Software release policy to accommodate the needs of Macintosh users," said Ken Feehan, System Software product manager. "By providing users with additional information, Apple hopes to make it easier for people to manage their Macintosh systems in the coming years." Apple recommends users of Macintosh computers with at least 1MB of memory use either System Software 6.0.2 or 6.0.3. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleTalk and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. FDHD and QuickDraw are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. See attached product update sheet. Attachment SYSTEM SOFTWARE 6.0.3 PRODUCT UPDATE Dateline: MacWorld, San Francisco, Calif. - Jan. 19, 1989. Product Description: Macintosh System Software 6.0.3 New Revision: 6.0.3 Significance: System Software 6.0.3 is a revision of System Software 6.0.2 to support the Macintosh SE/30. 6.0.3 is necessary when using the new Macintosh SE/30. If you are using a Macintosh other than the SE/30, it is unnecessary to upgrade to 6.0.3. The installed base of Plus, SE, Macintosh II, and IIx users can use either 6.0.2 OR 6.0.3. -- 6.0.2 and 6.0.3 will co-exist in networked environments. 6.0.3 will also be necessary when using Apple's 32-Bit QuickDraw when it is released this Spring. An updated version of Apple File Exchange is also included with 6.0.3. Available: Immediately. Update Policy: Stand-alone versions of 6.0.3 can be purchased for $49.95 through Apple's Macintosh System Software Update product, part number M0681/A. Distribution Channels: U.S. certified Apple resellers and electronic bulletin boards have access to 6.0.3. 6.0.3 will also be packaged with all new Macintosh personal computers beginning immediately. Contact: Cindy McCaffrey Apple Computer, Inc. Product Publicity, Public Relations Dept. (408) 974-1578 Press Releases Headlines & Guide 1-19-89