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Case Cracking

- Case Cracking Questions & Answers -

I need to open up the case on my Classic Mac, how do I do it? - Below are the basic steps for cracking the cases (not literally) of Classic Macs, but first I need to explain some things about safety for you and your Mac:

  1. Leave your Classic Mac plugged in, but not turned on
  2. Try to do your work in a static free environment
  3. Use a static grounding wrist band (if you have one)
  4. If you have a Compact Mac with the monitor built in, be very careful around the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), it can old 10,000 volts, even when it is off
  5. Just plain be careful!

What tools will I need? - If you are using any Compact Mac (see the Specifications section of this site to see if your Classic Mac is a Compact Mac), you will need the follwing:

  • A long handled Torx T-15 screwdriver

If you are cracking the cases of other Classic Macs, you will probably only need the following:

  1. A standard Flathead screwdriver
  2. A standard Phillips screwdriver

Note: You may need specialized tools depending on how far you plan to disassemble your Classic Mac.