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Most of the site pages were last updated around 2001 and some information may be out of date. Various links may be broken.

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About These Links

Resources For The Older Macintosh ( is a web site devoted to links for older Macintosh computers. I would prefer that that is what you use for links, it is far superior to mine, but I will always provide mine too.

This list of links has been compiled from my personal collection and those contained in other pages within this site. Although I try to keep them up to date, it is entirely possible that I may not visit a few of the sites for months at a time and therefore this page can be prone to broken links, if you find such a link please contact me (or for for any other reason such as suggesting a link).


Apple Computer, Inc. (
- Apple's web site... this has to be first on the list. You can't forget those who brought us our beloved Classic Macs!

Apple Spec Database ( - looking for specifications for Apple products not listed on this site? Then you should definitely visit the Apple Spec Database.

Woz ( - Yup, you guessed it, this is the web site of Steve Wozniac (a.k.a. Woz). If you don't know already, he is one of the two founders of Apple Computer, Inc., (along with now iCEO Steve Jobs). Woz was the hacker and Jobs was the business man (as you can tell by what he's doing with Apple now). I didn't have this site listed here long ago, but what matters is that it's here now. This is a very cool site, you can even e-mail him and... well, just go visit the site to find out.

Mac512 Site ( - A must-see if you own any Classic Mac, gyounk has lots of system software here. He also has AppleTalk software that will run on the Mac 512k and above and directions on how to network your Classic Mac.

Outbound Service & Support ( - If you have an Outbound, or would like to learn what they are, you should really visit this site (it's the only one that I know of so far).

The Mac512 User Group (
- A new User Group run by gYounk! This User Group is not just geared toward users of Mac 512ks, so feel free to check it out anyway.

Classic Mac Digest - I definitely would suggest that you subscribe to Classic Mac Digest. To do this send a blank e-mail to and write "subscribe classics" in the body of the e-mail (leave the subject blank). You can visit the Classic Mac Digest Archives at if you want to take a peek before (or after) you subscribe.

Resources For The Older Macintosh ( - If you want more links to more information and stuff for your Classic Mac, this is THE place to go! This site is one giant site of links to Classic Mac stuff, you should deffinitely check it out.

Apple History (
- a great site, well designed, lots of info, what more can I say? This site has images and little articles (and links on most of them) on all of the Apple, Lisa and Macintosh computers ever made! It also has a little history of Apple Computer, Inc., which is all about the company, its founders, and its CEOs.

The Apple Online Museum (
- A very well designed site with a very intuitive method of conveying the history of every Mac and peripheral produced by Apple along with events in the Apple timeline. This site is VERY well organized, well researched, and has a clean and elegant interface. Definitely a five star site, check it out.

Lowend Mac (
- if you are looking for anything that has to do with any Macintosh computers, esp. Classic Macs, you should definitely go here. There are descriptions, links, specifications for almost every Mac ever made by Apple Computer, Inc., and other companies (like Outbound, etc.).

PowerBook Central (
- If you have a Classic Mac PowerBook, this is the place to go! There is lots of info here, also some links, classifieds, and lists of parts suppliers.

The Mac Driver Museum ( - An excellent site for finding those lost drivers for that card that you bought for you Classic Mac at a yard sale or swap meet (or the floppies have finally bit the dust after all those years)!

MacPlace - MacStedet ( - A great site with tons of Mac links and a good collection of Scandinavian Mac links (Danish, Sweedish, and Norwegian). One of the nicest fetures of this site is that it is written in both Danish and English.

Networkable Mac Games (
- A great site for Mac games that you can play over a network or the internet. There are games here for even the orginal Macintosh (the Macintosh 128K), some that are cross-platform, and even a section how to set up your network!

Mac68kGames (
- A great souce for games for your Classic Mac! There are games here for early Macs like the Mac 128K to the latest Quadras/Performas of all styles.

Ingemar's home page ( - Ingemar has been programming for the Mac for years and has many great games on his site! He also has sections such as a tutorial for THINK Pascal (a Pascal compiler for the Mac) and different programming libraries and source code that he has written. He also maintains the official SAT (Sprite Animation Toolkit) and Screaming Cabala (a 3D programming toolkit) programming libraries on his site and links to software that has been developed with them.

MacFreewares (
- A great site full of Macintosh freeware. You can find things here for 68k and PowerPC Macs to do everything from encryption, to handling stock in a store, to running a web server, to playing chess. I definitely suggest you check this one out. ( - A good site for all kinds of software for your newer Classic Mac and PowerMacs! There is not much in the area of software for earlier Classic Macs, but still an excellent source for freeware, shareware, and demos.

TUCOWS Macintosh (
- This site has the best collection of Internet and Network servers, clients, utilities, etc., for 68k and PowerPC Macs. It also includes some regular software applications.

GUI Central ( - A great site with software for customizing the appearance of your Mac, whether it is running System 6 or MacOS 8.5, includes icons, extensions, etc.

Classic Mac (
- A great new site full of various software for your Classic Mac, from games to word processors. As the site says, "Fight Back For Old Macs".

Mac's Diner ( - Another great source for freeware, shareware, and demos for your Classic Mac (this site also has PowerPC software too), from system extensions, business software and graphics utilities to games. This site has a great selection of software, and multiple sites to download each piece of software from!

Apple Addict ONLINE (
- If you're addicted to Apple products, especially Macs, then check out this site. It has tons of evangelism info (including Apple's original "Why Mac?" pamphlets), humor, a good gallery, and more.

Macs.Bon.Net (http://Macs.Bon.Net/) - A site with tons of freeware and shareware for both 68k Macs & PowerPC Macs! Very well organized by their use, has links to each program's README file (which is very helpful in checking the System Requirements).

JAG's House ( - A great Macintosh evangilitical site, learn to get your Classic Mac on the internet, etc.

Three Macs and a Printer (
- A very good page that explains how to network your Macs, Printers, and IBM/Compatibles together on a single AppleTalk network. ( - A great site for information, help, links, software, etc., for sharing files, applications, peripherals, and much more, between your Macs and PCs running Windows.

The Mothership (
- A very nicely done site for Classic Macs and the Lisa. It even includes software available for download for both platforms, very nice!

Classic Macintosh Computing ( - A nice new site for users of the Mac Classic and similar Classic Macs. Has some very useful Internet access disk images!

Shobaffum's Macintosh IIci Page ( - Some very usefull information here. Lots of upgrade info, a more in-depth history of the Mac IIci, etc.

My Mac Plus ( - this site has some links to software, a useful FAQ, and some very good technical information. If you have a Mac Plus, you should definitely check out this site (even if you don't have a Mac Plus, this site has some valuable technical specifications that will help users of many different Macintosh models).

eBay (
- you can bid on anything here that your heart desires! You'll find everything from books and furniture to Macs and Apple IIs! I definitely suggest this site, but remember that you should always be cautious about what you bid on (and from whom). (
- lots of... what else?! AppleLinks! Good place to search for software, especially if it's for internet use! (
- a MacOS only site which contains software for emulating many other computer and gameing platforms, it's all freeware or shareware! A lot is for PowerPC systems though, but there is quite a bit for Classic Macs (you need a newer Classic Mac to run most of it though, too bad). ( - a great site with information, links, and news pertaining to emulation Macs on PCs. If you're looking for better Mac compatibility on your PC then this is definitely one of the places to go.

Ambrosia Software ( - a great Macintosh shareware company that makes games for Classic Macs and PowerMacs! The games and applications are very high quality and the prices are reasonable too!

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