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Find discussion of the Strange Mac LC on

Pictures of the Strange Macintosh LC

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All text and images copyright 2005 Tyler Sable.

Here's the primary feature of the Strange Mac LC... the entire ROM is UV-window EPROMs from AMD. Notice that labelÉ Gold Master!
Also, does anybody know what that group of jumpers seen near the top of the photograph is for, and if every LC has it? I've never owned an LC before. :-)

Does every LC motherboard have all these open pads for RAM chips? This one has two 4MB SIMMs for a total of 10MB, but it makes me wonder about these extra pads hereÉis this unique?

Here's the serial number that makes the serial number decoder choke! In case it isn't legible enough, it reads: M*E0444A0M0442LL/A*

That beautiful 40Mhz 68030 card. Really makes a big difference in the speed of even mundane things like opening finder windows. Here you can also see the cache card attached to it.

Here's the back side of the TransWarp card. Who decided that putting this processor and coprocessor here was a good idea? Gosh, there's no airflow at all! This card gets SO HOT when it's in use!

Text and Images copyright 2003-2008 Tyler Sable