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ArchiveOrgGetter Script


Lots of bands allow their live shows to be taped and hosted at Many bands require their shows be distributed as FLAC files and downloaded one at a time. That's awesome, but if you want to download 20 shows from your favorite band, it takes a long time and lots of manual work. That's why I wrote AoG.

Please respect the wishes of the bands and don't redistribute the MP3s you make with this software. Send 'em along a copy of AoG and tell 'em how to do it themselves. These MP3s are for your personal use only.


Download ArchiveOrgGetter from here.
This software is public domain. "Do what though wilt shall be the whole of the law."


ArchiveOrgGetter requires some sort of *NIX machine with the following software:

Download ArchiveOrgGetter and put it into a directory that's in your PATH. /usr/local/bin and /home/you/bin are two good choices. Now, download the "files" XML file for the concert you're interested in. That's the one with the name that ends with _files.xml. Save the XML file someplace that has room to hold lots of audio data.

Now, cd into the directory with the XML file, if you're not already there. Then, run the script:

ArchiveOrgGetter example_files.xml

AoG will analyze the XML file, go out onto the internet, download the FLAC files, convert them to MP3s, set the ID3 tags, rename the files to a nice format, and leave them in a directory with the name of the concert. It will also clean up after itself, deleting the XML file and all the in-between work files.

Advanced Usage

AoG is quite configurable. If you wish, open ArchiveOrgGetter in your favorite text editor and change how it works. If you need to set an absolute path for wget, LAME, or FLAC, that option is in there. AoG can probably be converted to use with Shrink files by simply modifying the configuration variables; I've never tried but don't see why it wouldn't work. The quality settings for LAME can also be changed easily.

AoG can get multiple concerts at once. Don't be tempted to just try something like this:

ArchiveOrgGetter files*.xml
This Won't Work!
AoG will likely get mad at you, and I'm not quite sure exactly what will happen.

Instead, if you have a directory filled with XML files, try something like this:

for concert in `ls | grep xml`
ArchiveOrgGetter $concert
That little script will use AoG to work on the XML files one-at-a-time, which is how AoG likes to work.