NCSA Telnet 2.7 User's Guide ============================ NOTE: This guide notes the changes between v2.6 and 2.7, and is intended to be an addendum to the user's guide for NCSA Telnet 2.6. The finalized documentations for NCSA Telnet v2.6 is now available through anonymous FTP to It is located under the /Mac/Telnet/Telnet2.6/Telnet2.6UserGuide subdirectory. To get the PostScript version, the files are located in the PS directory. The files are compressed using UNIX ZIP. Additionally, you can get the Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the files also located in this directory (2.6Docs.pdf.bin). Please note that you should FTP this file with MacBinary enabled. Otherwise, FTP the 2.6Docs.pdf.hqx and using StuffIt Expander to unstuff it. Both files will require that you have an Adobe Acrobat Reader (also located in this directory). Or you can get the beta version of the User's Guide saved as a MS Word document (BETAdocs.msw.hqx). You can also obtain a hardcopy of the User's Guide by emailing to, by phone at (217) 244-4230, or by U.S. mail at: NCSA Orders 152 Computing Applications Building 605 East Springfield Avenue Champaign, IL 61820-5518 NCSA Telnet WWW Homepage ======================== For current information related to NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh, you can HTTP to Features of NCSA Telnet 2.6 =========================== € VT100/VT220 emulation € File Transfer Server (basic FTP) € Simultaneous telnet connections to different hosts € Tektronix 4014/4105 emulation € Color raster graphics capabilities € Domain name lookup using MacTCP € User settable scrollback with ability to print and copy € User-defined macro keys € Support for different window sizes € Support for ANSI color sequences € Line-mode support (RFC 1184) € Encrypted and authenticated telnet sessions € Text capture € User-defined terminal and session preferences Differences Between Version 2.6 and 2.7 ======================================= € PowerMac Native € New VT220 emulation code € VT220 keypad and function menu option € ANSI color sequence support € Supports only mono-spaced fonts € Command-Clickable URL support € Internet-Config support (for URL helpers) € Added support for "rlogin://" and "telnet://" GURL event. € Added option in Terminals to remap the Numeric Keypad to its standard (non-vt220) Mac behavior, ie the operators can be used and wont send PFs. € Macros can be imported and exported to/from text files € User set-able Block Size € User set-able Send timeouts € User set-able font size (i.e. other than 9,12,etc.) € User set-able window staggered distance € Drag and Drop support. Text can be dragged out of and into connection windows € Telnet now scans Extensions folder & the folder Telnet resides in for Authentication/Encryption plugins € Linemode: -Linemode has been completely redone. This should eliminate the NeXT, Conxex, and NetBSD problems. Most notable changes: -Fixed bug that caused doubled IAC in subnegotiation to be treated as. subnegotiation end (most noticable as NeXTs and Convexs dropping into graphic characters). -Next and Convex hosts will no longer re-negotiate after every return. -Added support for all of the Linemode Bits. -Added support for local editing characters (1 through 30 in RFC 1184). -Telnet now allows the host to set the local characters is supports. -Added support for ForwardMask option. -Added support for FLUSHIN and FLUSHOUT using SYNC and Timing Mark. € Added terminal popup menu to Open Connections Dialog. If an alias is typed, the value of the popup will be ignored (the default terminal for that session will be used) If a session is selected from the popup, the terminal popup will reflect that session's default terminal. € Added an option in the global preferences to have telnet destroy kerberos credentials when the last window is closed. This will currently only work with KClient, but the Authman plugin is currently not functional anyway. Discontinued Features ===================== € FTP Client has been removed We suggest that you use Fetch or Anarchie, which are available at € Telnet will no longer add proportional fonts to font menus Bugs Fixed From Version 2.6 =========================== Please see 2.7 Release Notes Configuration ============= Global Preferences ------------------ € Send Timeout € Open Timeout Enter the number of seconds before Telnet timeouts for openning a connection. € ANSI Colors Click the box next to the item to which you wish to assign a color. This opens the Color Wheel dialog box. Select a new color by clicking in the color wheel. The color you select appears in the top rectangle under the heading Please Select New Color. Click OK to set the color change and return to the Color Selection dialog box. € Staggered Windows by You can alter the distance in which each session is initially staggered by entering an integer. € Show Keypad and Function keys Check this option if you wish to use the Keypad and Function keys pull down menus. € Expire Kerberos Tickets on Close Check this option if you wish Telnet to expire each Kerberos ticket upon closing the session. € In background, notify user of beeps: Check this option to have telnet post a notification if a window beeps in the background; this is useful if your mail program beeps when new mail arrives. Terminal Preferences -------------------- € ANSI color sequences Check this option if you wish to use ANSI color sequences. € Remap Keypad Check this box if you wish to use the keypad keys instead of the VT PF keys. € Emacs Meta Key Set the keystrokes you wish to use for Emacs Meta key (Control-Cmd, Option, or Off) In order to use the option key mapping, you must download the "EMACS KCHR" file from the same directory as 2.7, and install it in your system file. You don't have to make it active by hand; telnet will take care of switching it in and out when you activate a window that needs it, and when you suspend and resume telnet. There is a new option in the Sessions Preference; you can select "option" or the old "command- control" (or neither) as the meta key. Note that using the option key will not allow you to make higher bit characters in any font that needs the option key. Also note that Telnet will only switch the KCHR if you are using a roman script; it will not mess with other scripts. Changing Configuration After Session Connected ============================================== € ANSI color (See General Preferences:ANSI Color)