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Mac OS X Classic

The Classic environment is a unique application. It is more than that, it is a whole Mac OS! More than the 68040 emulator Mac OS supported for the new PowerMacs back in 1994. Mac OS X lets you run a whole OS inside of itself. Virtual PC must be along the same lines, but that is another story.

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Starting up Classic
Just double click on any application that was originally compiled for a previous Mac OS release.

Click on the picture icons below to see various startup phases of the Classic environment:

A group of icons of Classic
Classic - This shows the normal startup phase of the Classic environment. Click on the arrow to drop down the screen.
Classicresources - When you load the Classic environment, it will prompt you to let you know that resources need to be installed.
Classic OS9 - The normal Mac OS 9 screen. What is cool is that Mac OS X loads another version of the Mac OS inside of a process. This is cool stuff!
ClassicINITs - See the INITs load, just like before.

Once the Classic environment is done loading you application will appear. Unfortunately the Mac OS 9 Finder does not show up.

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