This page was archived in 2023 as part of the Mac Hut archive and is no longer updated.

Most of the site pages were last updated around 2004 and some information may be out of date. Various links may be broken.

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Site Revisions

(In reverse order)

April 2003

September 2002

April 2001 - August 2002

March 2001

January - February 2001

October - December 2000

September 2000

August 2000

July 2000

April - June2000

March 2000

February 2000

January 2000

August 1999 - December 1999

June 1999

March 1999 - May 1999

February 1999

January 1999

December 1998

November 1998

September/October 1998

August 1998

July 1998

June 1998

May 1998

April 1998

March 1998

February 1998 - Basic Site

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The Mac 512 is a gYounk design & programmed site.