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System 2.0 / Finder 4.1 (Macintosh System Software 0.3 & 0.5)

Did someone way Finder 4.1?  Whoa, what happened to version 2 & 3??	
	The Finder was enhanced so much, it leapfrogged the System version by 2.

This is Apple's recommended System Software version for the Macintosh 128K.

The Desktop:

I know, not the original Apple disk...
	On booting the Mac, the wait time was 20% faster.   Now real work could be done... :)
	Hey the Imagewriter has a new icon!
	The disk icons are new! No more black shutter.
	The Finder was faster than 1.1g
	The Finder did away with the Put Back and Close All commands.
	New Finder commands included New Folder, Print Catalog, Use Minifinder and Shutdown.
	You could now drag a disk icon to the trash to eject and unmount it from the desktop.
	The Finder could look at your files in List views. Little icons next to the file name.

The MiniFinder in action:

Whoops!  No Minifinder icons, think of Finder icons here.

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