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PrecisionColor Pivot (#0356) Q&A

Note: Technical Support for this monitor is available toll free at 800-375-9256

Q: Is the Precision Color Pivot compatible with System 7.5 and 7.5.1?

A: Yes, but not with any later versions than 7.5.1. System 7.5.2, 7.5.3 and 7.5.5 are not supported. Soft Pivot 3.2.1 is required for System 7.5 or 7.5.1. For System 7.5.2, and higher, you must contact Portrait Display Labs at 510-227-2721 and order their Pivot software. If you are connecting the display to a Radius Pivot NuBus card, model #0406, you need to ensure that the card has a ROM version 2.6 installed as well. If you are unsure as to how to identify the ROM version on your card, please request document ID#1240. If you are using built-in video and need the latest software, it is posted for downloading on America Online, CompuServe, AppleLink, the Internet at or, and through the Radius Online BBS at 408-541-6190. The software can also be ordered in disk form by calling Radius Upgrades at 800-375-9256 and ordering part number SK0015. Without Soft Pivot 3.2.1, the display will only work in its native, landscape mode.

Q: Is the PrecisionColor Pivot compatible with a Power Macintosh computer?

A: With Pivot software version 3.2.1 or later, the PrecisionColor Pivot will be fully functional on the built-in DRAM connector of the Power Mac 6100, 7100, or 8100 running System 7.1.2, 7.5, or 7.5.1. A Power Mac Display Adapter is required to make the physical connection to the HDI-45 port possible, however, and only the Power Mac 6100 ships with this adapter (Apple item # M2681LL/A). Power Mac 7100 and 8100 users must buy the adapter separately from an Apple Authorized Reseller. The Power Mac 7100 and 8100 also ship in a configuration which allows from one to four megabytes of video RAM (VRAM) to be installed on an Apple graphics card installed in the Processor Direct Slot. Pivoting will be fully functional on this card, and depending on the amount of VRAM present, can support thousands of colors on the 7100 with two megabytes of VRAM, and millions of colors on the 8100 with four megabytes of VRAM. Pivoting is not supported on the Apple AV card in any of the Power Mac AV configurations, though the HDI-45 port on the logic board will work fine in these systems. For PCI PowerMacs running System 7.5.2 and higher you must contact Portrait Display Labs at 800-858-7744 or and order their Pivot software.

Q: Can I have more than 256 colors and still pivot on a Power Macintosh?

A: Any of the Power Macintosh computers will provide 256 colors, and full pivot capabilities from the DRAM port. However, the Power Macintosh 7100 can provide up to thousands of colors, and the 8100, up to millions of colors depending on the amount of VRAM installed on the Processor Direct Slot graphics card of the non-AV Power Macs. Pivoting is NOT supported if the PrecisionColor pivot is connected to an AV card in any of the Power Macintosh computers.

Q: Is the PrecisionColor Pivot compatible with any of the AV Macintosh computers?

A: From built-in video, the display will work in its native, landscape mode only. However, pivoting will not be supported from the built-in video of any Centris, Quadra, or Power Macintosh equipped with Apple's AV circuitry. Since the 840AV has full-size NuBus slots, the installation of a model #0406 Color Pivot NuBus card will allow for pivoting with that computer, but the display will be limited to 256 colors. Likewise, any AV equipped Power Macintosh will allow for 256 colors and pivoting from the DRAM port. This Color Pivot NuBus card cannot be installed in the Quadra/Centris 660AV or any Power Macintosh.

Q: Is the PrecisionColor Pivot compatible with the PCI based PowerMacs?

A: The PrecisionColor Pivot is not supported for use with the PCI based PowerMacs by Radius. It is supported through software from a company known as Portrait Display Labs at 800-858-7744 or They have upgraded software which will runsome of the new PCI based PowerMacs with the Precision Color Pivot. Comtact Portrait Display Labs for specific CPU compatibility.

Q: I had a IIsi, and then a IIci, and my old pivot display worked on built-in video. However, my newer PrecisionColor Pivot isn't working. Why?

A: The PrecisionColor pivot has a native sixteen-inch resolution. The built-in video of the IIsi and IIci will not support a monitor larger than fifteen-inches and is limited to 16 colors or grays at that resolution. The solutions are to upgrade your computer, or acquire a model #0406 Color Pivot NuBus card. This will allow the display to pivot and will give you access to 256 colors or grays.

Q: How do I know if I have a PrecisionColor Pivot?

A: The front bezel of the display will identify the display as a "PrecisionColor Pivot." However, you can also check the serial number. A PrecisionColor Pivot will have a serial number beginning with the letters "WTC," "WTD," or "WTF." Also, the model number, 0356, is clearly posted on the back of the display.

Q: What is the latest version of Soft Pivot?

A: The latest version of Soft Pivot as of November 13, 1996, is 3.2.1. This is expected to be the last Soft Pivot update.

Q: Are there compatibility differences between Pivot software version 3.1.1 and 3.2.1?

A: Soft Pivot version 3.2.1 adds support for the following:
· The PowerBook 520, 540, 280 and 280C
· System 7.5 and 7.5.1
· The Apple Power Macintosh 601 Upgrade Card
· The Power Mac 6100/66, 7100/80, 8100/100, and 8100/110.

Q: What compatibility issues does Soft Pivot 3.2.1 not address?

A: Soft Pivot 3.2.1 does not address compatibility issues with the following:
· DuoDock II compatibility. This is scheduled to be addressed in the next version of the software.
· The Quadra 630 cannot be supported since its built-in video architecture does not support fifteen-inch resolution. However, A Quadra 630 version is supported through Portrait Display Labs at 510-227-2721
· The Power Macintosh AV card will not support the Pivot since pivoting will not work with any card whose purpose is to digitize and playback video.
· The Apple DOS card problems are under investigation and were not addressed.
· MacsBug functionality on the Pivot is disabled in this version. If a second display is in use, MacsBug will operate on the second display.

Q: Is the PrecisionColor Pivot compatible with the Quadra 630?

A: It is supported through software from a company known as Portrait Display Labs at 800-858-7744 or They have upgraded software which will run the Quadra 630 with the Precision Color Pivot.

Q: What are the main differences between other pivots and the PrecisionColor Pivot?

A: The PrecisionColor Pivot #0356 is a multi-frequency display which allows support for PC and PC-compatible computers, as well as Macintosh computers. The native orientation of the PrecisionColor Pivot is "landscape" with a 832x624 resolution. This is very similar to that of an Apple sixteen-inch display, as opposed to the fifteen-inch "portrait" resolution comparable of the Color Pivot. As a result, the PrecisionColor will not work on platforms such as a IIsi or IIci which do not support resolutions of 832x624 or higher.

Q: What resolutions are supported on the PrecisionColor Pivot?

A: Although the PrecisionColor Pivot is a "multi-sync" monitor, due to the pivoting nature of the display, multiple resolutions are only available if the display is used with a model #0406 Color Pivot NuBus card. When connected to this card, the display is capable of pivoting on a Macintosh using three resolutions: 640x480; 832x624; and 870x640. If the PrecisionColor Pivot is connected to built-in video, only the sixteen-inch, 832x624 resolution is enabled. On a PC or PC-Compatible with appropriate drivers, the display is also capable of VGA 640x480, and SVGA 800x600 and 1024x768.

Q: Do I need a special adapter to use my PrecisionColor Pivot with my Macintosh or my PC-Compatible?

A: The original version of the PrecisionColor Pivot shipped PC-ready, with a special adapter to be used with a Macintosh. Later versions of the display shipped Macintosh-ready, with an adapter to convert the cable for use on a PC. If the serial number of your display begins with the letters, "WTC," or "WTD," part number 590-0073-01 will adapt the cable for use with a Macintosh. If the serial number of your display begins with the letters, "WTF," an SVGA adapter, part number 515-0166-01 will adapt the cable for use with a PC. Either adapter is available from Radius at 800-375-9256 or 800-977-7060.

Q: Do I need the Soft Pivot software or not?

A: Only if you are running the display from the built-in video of your computer. If you are using a Color Pivot NuBus card, only the Dynamic Desktop 3.3 control panel is needed. If you are using built-in video, you will need the Soft Pivot 3.2.1 control panel, the Soft Pivot Driver, version 3.2.1, and the Dynamic Desktop 3.3 control panel. These items are all combined in the Soft Pivot 3.2.1 set, which is available for download on America Online, CompuServe, the Internet at and, and through the Radius Online BBS at 408-541-6190. This software can also be ordered in disk form by calling Radius Upgrades at 800-375-9256, and ordering part number SK0015.

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