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#3582 QuickFLIX! Q&A

Q: What file formats are supported by QuickFLIX!?

A: QuickFLIX! can import PICT, Kodak Photo CD, PICS, QuickTime, and AIFF files. It can export QuickTime, AIFF or QuickFLIX! files.

Q: What effects does QuickFLIX! have?

A: QuickFLIX! offers a variety of special effects, including:

1) Changing the size of the movie,
2) Changing the movie duration or direction,
3) Layering through pan and zoom, basic chroma and alpha,
4) Color Effects, and
5) numerous transitions.

One important feature of QuickFLIX!'s effects is that most of them can vary over time. The user can set key frames at the beginning and ending of an effect, and QuickFLIX! calculates the in-between frames.

Q: What kind of computer can I run QuickFLIX! on?

A: QuickFLIX! requires any Macintosh that supports QuickTime, including LC, Macintosh II, Performa, Centris, Quadra, or Power Macintosh series.

QuickFLIX! requires a minimum 3Mb partition (4Mb default partition), so the Macintosh should have at least 8Mb of RAM. Realistically, a user should have a minimum of 16Mb of RAM to do 320x240 work , 24Mb for full screen. The Power Macintosh series seems to consume more RAM-consider 24Mb and 32Mb respectively. The larger the frame size of the movie, the greater the RAM requirements will be.

Q: Can QuickFLIX! control a tape deck?

A: Currently, QuickFLIX! does not support any type of machine control. Digitizing is performed by manually pressing the Record and Stop buttons in the Record Window. The Print to Video command has a time delay feature to facilitate recording to tape, but the VCR must be operated by the user.

Q: Does QuickFLIX! support QuickTime 2.0 and System 7.5?

A: QuickFLIX! 1.1.1 offers basic compatibility with QuickTime 2.0 and System 7.5.

Q: Do you have a Windows version of QuickFLIX!?

A: Currently, QuickFLIX! is available only on the Macintosh platform.

Q: What advantages does the native Power Macintosh version of QuickFLIX! offer?

A: QuickFLIX! 1.1 and QuickFLIX! 1.1J (Japanese version) provide optimized support for Apple's Power Macintosh™. Users will experience dramatic improvements in QuickTime movie rendering and processing speed. In addition, users can create larger QuickTime movies and play them back at faster frame rates.

Q: Will the QuickFLIX! native version run on both a regular Macintosh and a Power Macintosh?

A. QuickFLIX! 1.1 is a fat-binary application, meaning that it contains code for both the Power Macintosh and the "68K" or Motorola 68000 processor-based Macintosh. The program will run on either type of Macintosh, although it will be faster on a Power Macintosh.

Q: How long is rendering time?

A: Rendering time depends on many factors, including frame size and compression settings. Larger frames take longer to compress than smaller ones. Additionally, some compressors, such as Cinepak, have very slow algorithms. Rendering speed is usually vastly improved on a Power Macintosh.

Q: Can I create full screen movies with QuickFLIX!?

A: Because of QuickTime's scalability, QuickFLIX! can create movies that are full screen. However, QuickFLIX! does not support full field rendering. The user must have the correct capture and playback hardware necessary for digitizing at the preferred resolution and frame rate. Using appropriate hardware like Radius' VideoVision Studio, users can "print" their movie to videotape in real time, eliminating the need for multiple tape decks or frame controlled decks.

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