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#5340 VideoSpigot Q&A

Q: What is the current software suite for a VideoSpigot?

A: The following is a list of current software that is needed for the VideoSpigot to function properly in supported systems: ScreenPlay v1.2.2 (application), QuickTime v1.6.x (resides in the Extensions Folder), Sound Manager v3.0 (resides in the Extensions Folder), and the Sound control panel v8.0.1 (resides in the Control Panels Folder.)

Q: Is VideoSpigot compatible with QuickTime 2.0?

A: At the time of this update, VideoSpigot software is not compatible with QuickTime 2.0. Until an update is released, we recommend the use of QuickTime 1.6.1 or 1.6.2.

Q: Is VideoSpigot compatible with System 7.5?

A: No, since QuickTime 2.0 is installed during the System 7.5 installation process, VideoSpigot is, in turn, not compatible with System 7.5.

Q: When I use my VideoSpigot to grab a single still-frame image, I get vertical banding across the image. What's happening?.

A: The VideoSpigot card was optimized to capture motion video, not full-size still images. The vertical banding you see is the result of the inherent jitter of NTSC television signals. Although some VCRs can produce very stable still images resulting in fewer bands, the best solution is to capture stills at smaller frame sizes, or purchase a dedicated frame-grabber.

Q: Is there a VDIG (Video Digitizing Extension) available for VideoSpigot products?

A: The VideoSpigot products initially included VDIG 1.0, which added functionality with other QuickTime compatible products for use under QuickTime 1.0. VDIG 1.5beta exists for use with QuickTime 1.5, however a final version was never developed. The primary reason a final VDIG was never developed is because capture rates are much better when capturing from within ScreenPlay. You should capture video using ScreenPlay and then import the movies into an editing application, such as Premiere. If you require a VDIG, use a higher-end product like Spigot II Tape, which includes a VDIG.

Q: I just bought a new Macintosh LC 575, and I can't use my VideoSpigot LC. What's wrong?

A: Due to some differences in the data bus of the 575, a new version of ScreenPlay is required to make the VideoSpigot LC work in this Macintosh. At the time of this update, the new version, ScreenPlay 1.3b1, is available only as a beta copy, and is not supported with any other Macintosh. ScreenPlay 1.3b1 can be downloaded from the Radius software libraries on America Online, AppleLink, CompuServe, eWorld, and the Radius On-line BBS. ScreenPlay 1.3b1 should be used with QuickTime 1.6.1 or 1.6.2 for best results.

Q: Can I use my VideoSpigot NuBus in a Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, or 8100?

A: You cannot use the VideoSpigot in a Power Macintosh 6100 because the card is too long for the computer's limited 7-inch expansion slot. However, VideoSpigot works well in the Power Macintosh 7100 and 8100 in emulation mode. A native Power Macintosh version of ScreenPlay is expected in the near future.

Q: I understand that ScreenPlay v1.2 and greater allows for sound play-through while performing movie captures. I'm using a VideoSpigot in my Macintosh with a MacroMedia MacRecorder, but I can't hear the sound play-through. What am I doing wrong?

A: Sound play-through works only with Macintosh built-in audio input -- i.e., the Microphone jack. The Mac Recorder, or any other third-party audio input device, is not considered "built-in." You'll still be able to record the audio with a MacRecorder, but you won't be able to hear it while you're recording. If your Macintosh has a microphone port, you can get the sound play-through by using the Apple Microphone. Finally, like any other digital video product, ScreenPlay records best with sound turned off while recording.

Q: Since my computer only displays 256 colors, my VideoSpigot movies look very grainy. If I add more VRAM to support thousands or millions of colors, will I have to re-digitize my movies to get rid of this graininess?

A: No. VideoSpigot captures in 24-bit "Spigot Rough" format, so the data for millions of colors is already incorporated into all your movies. You'll see all the colors you're capturing once you have a system that is capable of displaying them. Your movies will actually play more smoothly once you have a 24-bit system because the CPU will no longer be forced to dither down to the 8-bit level.

Q: I notice that there are red pixels scattered throughout all the frames in a movie I digitized with my VideoSpigot. What's wrong?

A: What you're seeing is video "noise" in your captured movie, possibly due to static, tracking errors on your tape, or signal interference due to a bad cable. This noise is being misinterpreted by the VideoSpigot as color information as it digitizes the incoming signal. If this appears in all your movies, you may need to replace the video cable used between the VideoSpigot and the video source.

Q: Can I use Adobe Premiere™ to capture and edit QuickTime movies I capture with my VideoSpigot?

A: Yes. The best way to do this is to use ScreenPlay to capture the movie, then save it with no compression. As long as you have the VideoSpigot Extension v1.0 installed, you can then open the movie within Premiere. VideoSpigot Extension 1.0 allows applications other than ScreenPlay to recognize and open ScreenPlay's "Spigot Rough" data format. Some VideoSpigot users may be familiar with other extensions, called "SpigotVDIG" or "VDIG 1.5b18," which allow you to capture directly within Premiere. Because ScreenPlay's capture performance is far superior to that of the VDIG within another application, use of the VDIG is not recommended. Furthermore, there is no VDIG compatible with any version of QuickTime later than 1.5.

Q: Which Macintosh computers are compatible with the VideoSpigot NuBus?

A: The VideoSpigot is Power Macintosh compatible with the 7100, 7100av, 8100, and 8100av. It is not physically compatible with Power Macintosh 6100 or 6100av. VideoSpigot is also Quadra compatible with the Quadra 700, Quadra 900, Quadra 950, Quadra 800, Quadra 650, Centris 650. It is not physically compatible with the Centris 610, Centris 660AV and Quadra 840AV. Finally, it supports all Macintosh II models. The Macintosh IIsi requires Apple's NuBus adapter or the discontinued SuperMac VideoSpigot IIsi product bundle.

Q: Which Macintosh computers are compatible with the VideoSpigot LC?

A: The VideoSpigot LC is supported with the following LC Macintoshes only: LC, LCII, LCIII, LC475, Color Classic, LC520 and Q605. All other LC style computers, including most Performas, are currently untested and unsupported.

Q: What is the difference between VideoSpigot and VideoSpigot Pro?

A: The difference between the VideoSpigot and the VideoSpigot Pro is that the VideoSpigot Pro product contains a Spectrum 8•24 PDQ card for 24 bit display on 13" monitors.

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