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Futura SX, LX, MX, DoubleColor LX, SX, ColorLink SX/T, SX/2 & DC/T Q&A

December 7, 1995

Q: Is my display card compatible with System 7.5 and later?

A: Extensive testing has not been done with E-Machines cards system 7.5 or later. Therefore, final compatibility results are not available. System 7.5 and later will likely remain unsupported.It is very likely, however, that the hardware itself will be fine under System 7.5 and later; the E-Machines software, on the other hand, will not be. In particular, the E-Machines control panel is known to be incompatible with System 7.5 and later.

Q: Where do I get software updates for my E-Machines card?

A: The latest versions of all E-Machines software are available in the Radius Software libraries on America Online (keyword: Radius), eWorld (shortcut: Radius), CompuServe (Go: MACBVEN), AppleLink (Third Parties P-Z), and the Radius Online BBS at (408) 541-6190.

Q: How do I check my ROM Version for my display card?

A: To check the ROM version, the card must be first be installed into a Macintosh CPU that has at least one NuBus slot. Next, the E-Machines Diagnostics program must be used to determine the ROM version. The Diagnostics program is located on the E-Machines Accessories disk that came with your product. It is also available for download as part of the E-Machines 3.5.5 archive in the Radius Software libraries on America Online (keyword: Radius), eWorld (shortcut: Radius), CompuServe (Go: MACBVEN), AppleLink (Third Parties P-Z), and the Radius Online BBS at (408) 541-6190.

Q: Does my card support Apple's switch on the fly operation?

A: The E-Machines display cards do not support switch-on-the-fly resolution changing.

Q: Is my display card Power Macintosh compatible?

A: These cards are untested and unsupported, and are likely incompatible with the Power Macintosh series.

Q: I'm not getting a proper image on my display. How do I configure the card to make it work with my monitor?

A: E-Machines cable 0008773-0001 must be used when connecting most displays to one of these E-Machines cards. This cable has red, green, and blue BNC connections to be used on monitors with BNC connectors. (BNC connectors are rather large barrel-like fasteners that twist on and lock down.) With this cable, the Monitor Configuration Switch on the E-Machines display card will be functional. This cable is available by calling 800-977-7060 and requesting it by its part number (0008773-0001).

In Addition, the Futura SX and MX, ColorLink SX/T SX/2, and DC/T as well as the Double Color SX boards all respond to Apple cable sense for 12", 13" and 16" monitors. If your monitor has a cable, or cable adapter, which identifies it as an Apple 12", 13" or 16" compatible monitor, then the display will operate properly in the designated mode.

The Futura LX and Double Color LX work as the other E-Machines display cards for cable requirements, but differ some in the cable sense operation. Both display boards will respond to Apple cable sense for 12", 13", 16", 19" and 21" modes of operations. If your monitor has a cable, or cable adapter, which identifies it as an Apple 12", 13", 16",19" and 21" compatible monitor, then the display will operate in the desired mode.

Q: Why can't I change resolutions on my multi-resolution monitor? Each time I select a different switch setting, there is no change of the display.

A: The answer to this question is exactly the same as the answer to the previous question. Please check back one item for the information.

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