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Monochrome Pivots (#0276/0361/0425) Q&A

Q: Are these monochrome pivots compatible with System 7.5 and 7.5.1?

A: Yes. However, Dynamic Desktop version 3.3 is required when connecting the Pivot display to a Radius Pivot card in a System 7.5 (or later) environment. If you are connecting the display to a Radius Pivot card, such as model #0406, then you need to ensure that the card has a ROM version 2.6 installed as well. If you are using built-in video and need the latest software, The Soft Pivot 3.2.1 update is posted for download on America Online, CompuServe, eWorld, AppleLink, the internet at, via the World Wide Web at, and through the Radius Online BBS at 408-541-6190. The software can also be ordered in disk form by calling the Radius Upgrades Hotline at 800-977-7060 and ordering part # 637-0016-01.

Q: Are these pivots compatible with a Nubus Power Macintosh computer?

A: With Pivot software version 3.1.1 or later, the model 0276, 0361, and 0425 Monochrome Pivots are fully functional with the built-in DRAM connector of any of the Power Macintosh computers. However, only the Power Macintosh 6100 ships with the adapter cable. Power Macintosh 7100 and 8100 users must buy the Apple cable separately from an Apple Authorized Reseller. The Power Macintosh 6100 supports 16 shades of gray from the DRAM port. The Power Macintosh 7100 and 8100 computers support the full 256 shades of gray from the DRAM port, and also ship in a configuration which allows from one to four megabytes of Video RAM to be added to the Apple graphics card installed in the Processor Direct Slot of the non-AV Power Macs. These cards will also support pivoting. Pivoting is not supported on any of the AV configurations.

Q: Are these three models of Pivots compatible with any of the AV Macintosh computers?

A: From built-in video, these displays will only work in their native, portrait modes. However, pivoting is not supported from the built-in video of any Centris, Quadra, or Power Macintosh equipped with an AV card. Since the 840AV has full-size NuBus slots, the installation of a model #0406 Color Pivot NuBus card will allow for pivoting with that computer, and you will see the full 256 range of grays. Likewise, any AV equipped Power Macintosh will allow for 16-256 grays and pivoting from the DRAM port depending on which Power Macintosh you buy. The Color Pivot NuBus card cannot be installed in the Centris 660AV or any Power Macintosh.

Q: Which compatibility issues does SoftPivot 3.2.1 not address?

A: Soft Pivot 3.2.1 does not address compatibility issues with the following:

Q: How can I get the latest version of SoftPivot?

A: SoftPivot can be downloaded via modem from most of the major online services (America Online, CompuServe, AppleLink, eWorld, as well as the Radius Bulletin Board at 408-541-6190. Soft Pivot can also be obtained from Radius Upgrades at 800-977-7060. The part number is 637-0016-01.

Q: How do I know if I have a model number 0376, 0361, or 0425 Pivot?

A: The easiest way is to check the serial number. The model number 0276 monochrome pivots have serial numbers beginning with the letters, "ZTD," "ZTE," "CFA," "CFB," and "MRE." The model number 0361 pivots have serial numbers beginning with the letters, "MRM." The model number 0425 pivots have serial numbers beginning with the letters, "DCO, and "DCQ."

Q: What does the "Reduced Mode" in the Soft Pivot Control Panel Do?

A: "Reduced Mode" reduces the screen size from 870x640 to 816x640. The altered screen size allows more memory to be allocated to bit depth, thereby allowing for an increase in the amount of colors available. This is not offered if the pivot is connected an AV-style Macintosh.

Q: Are the Monochrome Pivots compatible with the Quadra 630?

A: These pivots are not supported on the Quadra 630 due to this computer's limited video output capabilities.

Q: Are there compatibility differences between Pivot software version 3.1.1 and 3.2.1?

A: Soft Pivot version 3.2.1 adds compatibility for the following:

Q: What are the differences between the 0276, the 0361 and the 0425 Pivot?

A: The displays are identical with respect to resolution. However, model number 0361 has an anti-glare coating. Model number 0425 is Energy Star compliant, FCC Class B rating, and it meets the Swedish MPRII emission standards.

Q: Is my pivot card compatible with other displays?

A: The color pivot cards will drive a standard fifteen-inch portrait display, and since the cards also support an 832x624 resolution, they will also work with some 16 or 17-inch Macintosh compatible displays. Naturally, the displays won't pivot, but you will have a proper image.

Q: Do I need Soft Pivot with my Pivot monitor?

A: Only if you are running the display from the built-in video of your computer. If you are using a Color Pivot NuBus card, only the Dynamic Desktop 3.3 control panel is needed. If you are using built-in video, you will need the Soft Pivot 3.2.1 control panel, the Soft Pivot Driver, version 3.2.1, and the Dynamic Desktop 3.3 control panel. These items are all combined in the Soft Pivot 3.2.1 set, which is available for download on America Online, CompuServe, eWorld, AppleLink, the Internet at and, and through the Radius Online BBS at 408-541-6190. This software can also be ordered in disk form by calling Radius Upgrades at 800-977-7060, and ordering part number 637-0016-01. (!)

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