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SuperMatch Calibrator & Calibrator Pro Q&A December 13, 1995

Q: What levels should I set the brightness and contrast levels to when using the SuperMatch Calibrator?

A: When you start the calibration process you will be asked to set the brightness and contrast levels to appropriate levels. We recommend that you simply adjust the brightness and contrast levels so that your monitor is comfortable to work with.

Q: How do I select the correct value for gamma when using the SuperMatch Calibrator?

A: The primary selection criteria for gamma is the gamma value recommend by the manufacturer of your color management system. For instance, EFI recommends that a gamma value of 2.2 be used for EfiColor™. Otherwise, you need to select your gamma value based upon printed output from your system. If your printed output images are too dark, then you will generally want to adjust the gamma value in order to match your printed output to the images you are viewing on your monitor.

Q: Do the SuperMatch Calibrators work with System 7.5 and later?

A: The SuperMatch Calibrator Pro is fully compatible with System 7.5 and later. The original SuperMatch Calibrator (model C5000), on the other hand, is incompatible with the version of ColorSync™ shipped with System 7.5. However, it can be used with the older version of ColorSync™ which ships with the Calibrator. The software for the original Calibrator will probably not be revised for full compatibility with System 7.5 in the future. The original Calibrator software is also incompatible with EfiColor™ 2.0.

Q: Does the Pro version of the SuperMatch Calibrator work with the Power Macintosh?

A: The Supermatch Calibrator Pro will work with Power Macintosh CPUs with the use of ProSense Calibrator software version 1.6.1, or higher.

Q: Does the original, non-Pro version of the SuperMatch Calibrator work with the Power Macintosh?

A: It will NOT work with PCI Power Macintoshes such as the 9500, 8500, 7500 or 7200. However, SuperMatch 2.1 software works with the Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100, and other nubus Power Macintosh platforms, calibrating in emulation mode. However, the EfiColor™ software with which our Calibrator interacts looks for the presence of a 68000-style Floating-Point Unit (FPU). We recommend the use of SoftwareFPU, which makes the PowerPC chip emulate a 68000-style FPU chip. SoftwareFPU is shareware.

Q: I have the original SuperMatch Calibrator in a Macintosh with a PowerPC upgrade card. I calibrate while in emulation mode, but when I restart in emulation mode, the settings are not retained. Why is this happening?

A: This appears to be a problem only with the original Calibrator and PowerPC upgrade cards from Apple or DayStar. This problem has been reported by some customers, but it has not been verified by our testing lab. Those customers who have reported the problem also report that it does not occur after reinstalling the Calibrator 2.1 software.

Q: Why do I get error -80 when using the SuperMatch Calibrator Pro?

A: This error message can indicate that you have an ADB device attached to your computer which is incompatible with the SuperMatch Calibrator Pro. The first thing to do is to upgrade to the most recent SuperMatch Calibrator Pro software, currently ProSense 1.6.2. Compatibility problems with the Kensington Turbo Mouse and the Wacom ARTz ADB Graphic Tablet have been resolved with this latest version of the software. In all cases, to avoid ADB compatibility issues, you should connect the Apple Adjustable keyboard, the Apple AudioVision 14" display, or the Kodak ColorSense calibrator to the ADB port of your computer.

Q: Why do I get "out of tolerance" errors when using the SuperMatch Calibrator Pro?

A: By upgrading to ProSense version 1.6.1 or later, you may elimate this error message. The software is available in the Radius section of most major online services. If you are already using the Calibrator Pro 1.1 or ProSense 1.6.1 software, this error message may indicate one of several possibilities:

(1) You are low on disk space,

(2) have too much ambient light shining on your monitor,

(3) the SuperMatch Pro Data folder is not installed in the System Folder, or

(4) you have incompatible INITs conflicting with the Calibrator Pro software. The latest software can be downloaded from the Radius software libraries on CompuServe, America Online, AppleLink, eWorld, and the Radius Online BBS at 408-541-6190.

Q: How does the SuperMatch Display Calibrator work?

A: The SuperMatch Display Calibrator measures the differences between the actual displayed color values and the color information generated by the graphics card. The SuperMatch Calibrator then determines the gamma and white point for the display. The monitor profile thus created can be used by a color-matching system to compensate for and correct the on-screen color. Secondly, it allows you to calibrate your display -- or numerous displays of different types and from different manufacturers -- to a known, standard gamma and white point.

Q: How does the Calibrator support color matching?

A: The Calibrator itself is not an all-encompassing color-matching system (CMS). It's a device that serves to bring your display "into the loop" of your color-matching system by creating EfiColor™ or Apple ColorSync™ profiles of your display. These profiles are then used by your color matching system to produce consistent, reliable color throughout your entire system, from screen to print.

Q: What's the difference between the SuperMatch Display Calibrator and the SuperMatch Display Calibrator Pro?

A: The SuperMatch Display Calibrator uses a single-eye densitometer to read the light levels emitted from the display and estimates the color values from those luminance values. Though very accurate, it is not as precise as the Calibrator Pro. The SuperMatch Calibrator Pro uses a triple-eye colorimeter to measure color values directly. The difference is the most precise reading possible of the color information on your screen.

Q: Since installing the latest version of the SuperMatch Pro software, I get an Error -82 when attempting to calibrate my display. What does this error mean?

A: Error -82 will occur when one attempts to use the SuperMatch Pro software with the original SuperMatch Calibrator. The software and hardware are not interchangeable. The SuperMatch Calibrator Pro uses the SuperMatch Pro software; the original SuperMatch Display Calibrator uses the original SuperMatch software.

Q: What color-matching systems do the SuperMatch Calibrators support?

A: The original SuperMatch Calibrator supports two major color management systems: Apple ColorSync™ and EFI EfiColor™. The SuperMatch Calibrator Pro supports ColorSync™, EfiColor™, and Kodak Precision Color Management System (KEPS PRECISION) and Agfa FotoFlow™. Additionally, QuarkXPress users can use the generated profile with that application's integrated EFI color management.

Q: What is Gamma, and can I correct for it?

A: Gamma is a curve, actually - or a straight line. "Gamma" is a beginning as far as color input is concerned. Different input devices carry different gammas because they tackle color and computerized input in different ways. A relationship exists between what a computer display is sending to our eyes and the original. "Gamma," is actually the amount of WRONGNESS from the original to the eye because it's specified as the difference of the original (our perception of the original) to the display, (or what we perceive as the image on the display). The amount of that "wrongness" is the gamma. And with gamma comes the term "linearity." If you scan a print into an application, and then hold the print up next to the screen, you'll see a perceptible difference. The difference is the gamma difference. If you adjust the input value of the original print, and the screen brightness and contrast increase accordingly, in direct proportion, you are dealing with linear gamma. Imagine it as a straight line from point A to B. If you adjust the input value of the original print, and the screen brightness and contrast increase somewhat, but NOT in direct proportion, you are still dealing in gamma, but curved gamma - perfect at both ends, but everything between is inexact, growing proportionally more inexact as you get towards the apex of the curve, and proportionally more exact as you leave the apex and head towards the finish. Most of what we perceive as color differences from the original to what we see on our computer screens is in that curved range. And what we see as the largest differences occurs in the apex of that curve - the largest gamma difference. The PrecisionColor calibrator gives you a way of increasing, or decreasing gamma, based on the original gamma of your display, to account for this curve. Standard gamma is 1.8. However, you may want to change the gamma of your display dependent on the source of the image input.

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