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System 100 (#STP011/STP011Z) Q&A

Q: Can I remove the cover on the System 100 and install additional equipment without voiding my warranty?

A: Yes. Removal of the cover for installation of additional cards or hard disk drives does not void your warranty.

Q: What graphics card is installed in the System 100?

A: The Thunder IV GX 1600 is used in the System 100. This card provides image-processing acceleration 24-bit color (Millions of Colors) at up to 1600 x 1200 resolution. It also supports 1360 x 1024 resolution and the Macintosh-standard resolutions of 1152 x 870, 1024x 768, 832 x 624, and 640 x 480.

Q: Is the System 100 system compatible with System 7.5.3 and higher?

A: Yes, the System 100 is compatible with System 7.5.3 and higher. We recommend doing a clean system install from the Radius CD for 7.5.1, then run the Apple 2.0 updater for 7.5.3 to get to the new 7.5.3 operating system. To do a clean system install, launch the 7.5.1 installer, and on the 'install' screen, press down COMMAND-SHIFT-K to get the 'install new system ' option. Clicking on this option will allow you to do a 'clean' system' install. Be sure to copy the control panel CD-ROM Toolkit included with the 81/110 into your new control panels folder.

Note that when installing OS 8, you will be prompted to update the low level drivers. For the 81/110, this is unecessary. The System 100 uses an FWB driver, and FWB reports no OS 8 incompatibilities with any versions of their drivers.

Q: When I connect my display to the System 100, I get an unusable, distorted image. What is wrong?

A: The Thunder IV GX 1600 card may be improperly configured for your display. Try restarting the System 100 with the keyboard's 'T' key held down. While the System 100 restarts, the screen will cycle though many different display modes. The clear and centered modes are ones at which you can successfully drive your display. Release the 'T' key when the desired resolution is reached.

If you still do not have a display, shut off the System 100 and remove the cover. Check the installation of the Thunder IV GX 1600 board. Press on the Thunder IV board to make sure it's seated fully in the slot. Recheck all cables and restart the system.

Q: May I add another graphics card in the System 100?

A: Yes. The System 100 has one open NuBus slot.

Q: I installed Apple's VRAM or AV video board in the System 100 with a second monitor, and now I do not have the Menu Bar on the proper monitor.

A: Use the Monitors control panel to choose which monitor has the Menu Bar. While the Monitors control panel is open, drag the menu bar from the icon of one monitor directly to the icon of the monitor on which you want the menu bar to appear. You can also change the start-up monitor from within the Monitors control panel by holding down the option key on your keyboard. Drag the small "happy Mac" icon that appears on the icon of the current start-up monitor to the icon of the monitor you want to use as the start-up monitor.

Q: Color Composer causes the screen to display the wrong colors after I installed Apple's VRAM or AV video board in the System 100 with a second monitor. Why does this happen?

A: Color Composer will only work when the menu bar is on the Thunder IV board. Moving the menu bar to the VRAM or AV board will cause Color Composer to trash the color table. To restore to proper colors, use the Monitors control panel to move the menu bar back to the Thunder IV board. Also, you must trash the MonitorHardware-SMmn-MNhw file located in the SuperMac folder within the Preferences folder and restart the system.

Q: When I attach my display, I do not get any image. What is wrong?

A: Please check cables to insure all connections are tight. If there is still no display, try restarting the System 100 with the keyboard's 'T' key held down. While the System 100 restarts, the screen will cycle though many different display modes. The clear and centered modes are ones at which you can successfully drive your display. Release the 'T' key when the desired resolution is reached.

Q: My display seems to be redrawing very slowly. Why is this happening?

A: The software for the Thunder IV GX 1600 board may be not be installed properly. The QuickColor control panel, version 3.3 or later, must be installed and enabled. The installer for this control panel is found on the System 100 CD-ROM in the RadiusWare folder.

Q: How many open NuBus slots are in the System 100?

A: There is one open NuBus slot. There are three slots total, two of which are occupied by the Thunder IV GX 1600 card and the SCSI-II controller card.

Q: I am unable to access the pop-up bit-depth changer. What is wrong?

A: The software for the Thunder IV GX 1600 board may not be installed properly. The Dynamic Desktop control panel, version 3.3 or later, must be installed and enabled. The installer for this control panel is found on the System 100 CD-ROM in the RadiusWare folder.

Q: Why are the filters in Adobe Photoshop running very slow?

A: This is a sign of improper software installation. Quit out of Photoshop and check the software installation. The "Radius DSP" extension must be in the Extensions folder within your System folder. Also, the PhotoEngine Plug-In must be within the Photoshop Plug-Ins folder. Check to see if both files are installed properly, then go into the Preferences folder and trash the Adobe Photoshop 3.0 Prefs. Relaunch Photoshop and check performance.

If Photoshop is still slow, shut down the System 100 and check the Thunder IV GX 1600 board. On this board there is a smaller daughtercard attached. Remove this daughtercard from the main Thunder IV board and then press both boards back together to seat the daughtercard firmly on the main display boar. Now, reinstall the Thunder IV GX 1600 and check for proper acceleration.

Q: How do I reformat the 2GB SCSI-II drive?

A: On the System 100 CD-ROM, you'll find the Hard Disk ToolKit™ PE utility. This utility is used to repartition and reformat the SCSI-II drive. Please follow the instruction manual for use of this utility.

Q: How do I reformat the 500MB system drive?

A: On the System 100 CD-ROM, you'll find the Apple HD SC Setup utility. This utility is used to repartition and reformat the 500MB system drive. Please follow the instruction manual for use of this utility.

Q: Adobe Photoshop crashes with a hard drive error when starting. What is causing this problem?

A: There are many possible causes for such a crash. Most often, trashing the Adobe Photoshop 3.0 Prefs file corrects the problem. Try trashing the Adobe Photoshop 3.0 Prefs file on your system and then relaunch Photoshop.

Q: What is the SCSI ID number of the 500MB Internal SCSI System drive?

A: The System drive is ID 0 on SCSI bus 0.

Q: When I insert a CD-ROM, the system will not recognize it.

A: The CD ROM drive requires the CD-ROM ToolKit control panel from FWB installed. Install the CD-ROM ToolKit control panel back into the Control Panels folder then restart the System 100. If the CD-ROM ToolKit control panel is not found on the hard drive, the System 100 must be started from the System 100 CD-ROM that was supplied with the system. To boot from the CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM into the drive, hold down the command-option-shift-delete keys, and restart the System 100. The System 100 will now start from the CD-ROM so you may copy the CD-ROM ToolKit control panel back to your hard drive.

The CD-ROM ToolKit control panel is found on the CD-ROM within the CD-ROM ToolKit; folder, within the Radius Extras folder, within the Other Installers & Software folder.

Q: What is the small card installed in the slot next to the NuBus slots?

A: This is the PDS terminator. It is required to terminate the NuBus slots. If removed, all cards installed in the System 100 may operate improperly.

Q: Can I replace the PDS terminator with Apple's VRAM or AV board for the Power Macintosh 8100?

A: Yes. The Apple VRAM and AV boards work in the System 100. The PDS slot must always have a VRAM, AV board, or PDS terminator installed.

Q: What is the SCSI ID number of the 2GB Internal SCSI-II data drive?

A: The internal SCSI-II data drive is ID 0 on SCSI bus 2.

Q: Something happened to my hard drive and I can't boot my System 100. What should I do?

A: If you can't boot from the hard drive, you may boot from the CD-ROM supplied with your System 100. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and start the System 100 while holding down the command, option, shift, and delete keys. The System 100 will bypass the internal hard disk drive and start from the CD-ROM.

If necessary, you may now reinstall the operating system on your internal hard drive from the CD-ROM.

Q: How can I boot my system if I can't start from the CDRom?

A: Due to a firmware change from Sony, the Sony CD drive in some systems are not bootable. Drives with ROM version 1.1a and 1.1b will not boot from CD Disk. Download the RadiusRescue disk image and create a bootable disk for the Radius 81/110. You will need DiskCopy , Mount Image, ShrinkWrap, or similar program to make a boot disk from the disk image. DiskCopy 4.2 is on the Radius System CD.

Q: How do I remove the front cover on the System 100 to get to the internal drive bays?

A: The front cover is press-fit onto the System 100. There are three steps to removing the front cover.

First: Remove the side panel by removing the three screws along the rear right edge of the System 100. The side panel will now slide back and can be removed.

Second: Look for a small, square notch, inside the case and next to the CD-ROM drive bay. Insert a small, flat-blade screwdriver into this notch, and lever the front cover forward and away from the System 100 case.

Third: Allow the cover to drop down slightly to free it from hooks on the bottom of the inner front panel, which hold the front cover in place. Elevate the front of the System 100 about 1/2" to allow downward movement of the front cover. Slide the front cover down and then forward to remove.

With the front cover removed, the internal drive bays are now accessible.

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