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Two Page Displays (0436/0437) & Cards Q&A

Q: Can I run the TPD/20 or /21gs on a Mac SE with a TPD interface?

A: No. The timings the TPD/20 or /21gs needs are different from what the TPD-SE interface provides.

Q: Can I run the TPD/20 or /21gson a Mac SE/30 with a TPDSE/30 interface?

A: No. The timings the TPD/20 or /21gs needs are different from what the TPD-SE/30 interface provides.

Q: Can I run a TPD/20 or /21gs on an original TPD interface?

A: No. The timings the TPD/20 or /21gs needs are different from what the original TPD interface provides.

Q: Will the TPD/20 or /21gs operate on Power Macintosh computers with NuBus slots?

A: The PowerMac 7100 or 8100 with an AV card or HPV card and the Power Mac 6100AV will operate the TPD/20 or /21gs from the available DB-15 video port (fifteen pins in two rows). The PowerMac 6100 with no AV card requires a PrecisionColor 8XJ and Apple's Nubus Adapter in order to run a TPD/20 or /21gs

Q: Will the TPD/20 or /21gs operate on Power Macintosh computers with PCI slots?

A: The Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, and 8500 offer compatible built-in video, but the Power Mac 9500 requires a PCI interface card such as the Radius PrecisionColor 8/1600.

Q: The image on my display looks higher on one side than the other.

A: Physically orient the display so that it is facing North, South, East, and West. If the image changes or corrects itself, you may be experiencing problems of a magnetic nature; specifically, with the magnetic field of the Earth.

Q: I installed Dynamic Desktop, and I don't seem to be able to change resolutions.

A: Since the TPD/20 or /21gs is a single resolution display, changing resolutions is not possible.

Q: My TPD/20 or /21gs goes into PowerSaver mode and refuses to turn back on. Why must I restart the Mac to get my screen back?

A: You may have an old version of PowerSaver. PowerSaver 1.3 can be downloaded from the Radius libraries on AppleLink, America Online, eWorld, CompuServe,, and the Radius Online BBS at 408-541-6190.

Q: What is the difference between the TPD/20gs and the TPD/21gs?

A: The size of the tube is the only difference. Both displays offer 1152 x 870 resolution. The TPD/21gs features 74dpi, which is closer to Apple's WYSIWYG standard of 72dpi than the 82dpi of the TPD/20gs.

Q: My TPD/20 or /21gs is appearing as an Apple Portrait (single page) display.

A: The 590-0029 cable may need to be replaced. If that doesn't solve the problem, the display may need serviced You may order a replacement cable by dialing 800-977-7060 and requesting part number 590-0029.

Q: I have an Apple 8•24 card, which can drive an Apple 21" display. Can I use that card with a TPD/20 or /21gs?

A: Yes. the Apple card will drive the TPD/20 or /21gs

Q: I have a PowerView (model 0366) and my TPD/20gs or /21gs doesn't seem to work with it. Why not?

A: A special adapter is needed. Order this by dialing 800-977-7060 and requesting part #515-0143-01.

Q: Will a TPD/20 or /21gs run with System 7.5/7.5.1/7.5.2?

A: Yes, the TPD/20 or /21gs Are compatible with System 7.5/7.5.1/7.5.2.

Q: Will the TPD/20 or /21gs operate from the Quadra 630's built-in video port?

A: No. the TPD/20 or /21gs are not compatible with the built-in video port or any 630-series computer.

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