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Disk and File utilities

AccessPC 2.x (access dos floppies)
Apple CD-ROM 5.3.1 (cd rom player driver)
ASD DiskGuard 1.8
At Ease Disk Manager
Backit (backup software)
Blitz (Archiving)
Busca Invisibles
Catfinder (Archiving)
DA Piggy bag (Improve Apple Menu)
Desktop Manager (no desktop rebuilds with system 7 and higher disks)
DF Erase
Disk Basher
Disk Bug Checker
Disk Dup Plus
Disk Keeper
Disk Rejuvenator
Disk Status
DOS Mounter 95 (access dos floppies)
Edisk Demo
Fast Unfrag
File List Plus
File Recorder
Finder Info
Floppy Fixer
Fork Zapper
HD Backup (backup utility)
HDT Toolkit 1.8
Hell Folder (remove troublesome folders)
Icon Fixer
Inuse (scsi utility)
Lido 7.6.5 (disk formatting utility)
Mac Auditor
Mac Snoop
Media Sizer (how much disk space)
Micronet Utilitiy 7.2.7 (disk formatting utility)
Multiformat (floppy formatting tool)
Norton Utilities 2.x (disk utilities)
Paperclip (eject 'stuck' floppy)
Quick Initialization
QuickSearch (search all your docs at once for a specific word)
Resetdtdbs (reset desktop databases)
Schuzzy 3.02 (scsi utility with 'disk lite')
SCSI Eveluator
SCSI Format Install (Hard Disk formatting Tool)
Search Files (search all your docs at once for a specific word)
Set Startup (Set Startup Disk)
Setup Partitions
Show Sizes
Softbackup (backup utility)
Switchback (backup utility)
Textpress (make all text docs editable)
The Typist (Change type and creator of any file)
Unlock Folder
Verifile (calculate checksum and crc)
Version (determinate version of apps and inits)
Voyeur (Check out dataforks)
Welcome (Change the 'Welcome' message you get at startup)

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