This page was archived in 2023 as part of the Mac Hut archive and is no longer updated.

Most of the site pages were last updated around 2006 and some information may be out of date. Various software download links are broken but we are working to fix these.

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Graphics and Multimedia

Most of these programs will work on a compact mac

Adobe Premiere 4 (movies)
Adobe Persuasion 3 (presentation)
Adobe Illustrator 5.x (drawing/painging)
Adobe Photoshop 3 (photo manupilation)
Amazing Animation 1.x (cartoon making for kids)
Animations Toolkit
Animation Works 1.0
Canvas 3.5 (drawing/painting)
ClarisDraw 1 (drawing)
ClarisImpact 1.x (presentation)
Color-It 2.0 (painting)
Director 3.0 (movies)
Easy 3D
Foil 1.2 (airfoil plotting program), more info here
FreeHand 5.x (drawing/painting)
Gifconverter 2.3.7
Lightning Paint
MacDraw II 1.1, a old version can be downloaded here
MacPerspective 4.05
MiniCad+ 3.1v6
ModelShop II 1.1
Morph 2.5
MoviePlayer 1.x
NIHimage (just like photoshop)
Painter 3.0
Pixelpaint (paint)
PixelPutty Solo
Rainbox 1.3
Scrapit pro 5.5
Screenration 0.1
StrataVision 3D 4
Superpaint 1.0
ShareDraw 2.02
Stereogram Studio 1.0
VIDI Presenter 1.5


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