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Installing TrueType fonts in System 6


The files needed are:

- TrueType 1.0 extension--this is a file called TrueType(TM); System 6 list view identifies it as a "Startup Document".

- Font/DA Mover version 4.1--Font/DA Mover 3.8 which comes on the System 6.0.8 installation disks will not recognize TrueType fonts.

- at least one TrueType font file--either contained in a font suitcase or not.

These files, including a basic selection of TrueType fonts, are available in this directory in Apple's ftp labyrinth.

The various files are self extracting files contained in MacBinary archives (suffix .sea.bin), and they need to be expanded by whatever means are available before they can be used. The expansion does not have to be done on a System 6 machine.

The StyleWriter II is a good printer to use with TrueType fonts on System 6, but it requires the StyleWriter II chooser extension and an updated Chooser. Both are included in the GrayShare update available here.

You can also use the installation disks which originally came with the StyleWriter I or II, if you have them. These disks come with a good selection of TrueType fonts. The GrayShare update comes with a text file that gives installation instructions. The Chooser in System 6 is a Desk Accessory. Use Font/DA mover to install the new Chooser in the System 6.0.8 System file in the same way as the rest of these instructions tell you to install fonts.

Here are the actual instructions for installing TrueType:

1. Install the TrueType extension by moving it into the System 6.0.8 System Folder and restarting. At restart, you should see a startup icon of three superimposed letter "A"'s.

2. Open Font/DA Mover 4.1 and make sure Font is checked, rather than Desk Accessory. This should be the default setting. You should see a list of the fonts installed in the System file in the left window, and the right window should be empty. (To install a DA, such as a new Chooser, check DA, and you will see a list of DA's installed in the System File in the left window.)

3. The TrueType fonts in Apple's System 6 TrueType ftp directory are not in font suitcases, so an undocumented procedure which allows Font/DA Mover to open any file must be used with them: Hold down the Option key and click on the Open button while continuing to hold down the Option key. Release the Option key after you click. You will see one of the standard file dialog windows that you always see when you use the Open command in an application under System 6. You should see just about all the files that are in whatever folder the window is displaying. (To see only font ((or DA)) suitcases, just don't use the Option key.)

4. If the window doesn't show the folder where the TrueType fonts are located, use the usual methods to navigate to the correct folder. You
no longer need to use the Option key.

5. When you get to the correct folder, select a TrueType font file and click the Open button. You will see the fonts inside the file in the right Font/DA Mover window.

6. Select the fonts you want in the right window. You can shift-click to select more than one font. After you have selected the fonts, click Copy to copy them to the System file (which should still be displayed in the left window). For the highest quality printing, you should install all forms of a font--bold, italic, etc. If there is already a bitmap version of a font installed in the System file, you can almost certainly leave it there without causing any conflicts. Leaving a bitmap font in place may speed up screen display of that font considerably.

7. If you click Close below the Font/DA right window, you will have to option-click Open again to display non-suitcase TrueType font files, so
you can open another one.

8. If needed, also move the StyleWriter II Chooser extension into the System Folder, and install the new Chooser (3.7) from the GrayShare
update with Font/DA Mover.

9. When you've finished, you might as well restart the computer to make sure the new fonts are available to all applications.

Installing a lot of TrueType fonts will make your System file huge and noticeably increase the amount of memory used by the System.

David Drake

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