This page was archived in 2023 as part of the Mac Hut archive and is no longer updated.

Most of the site pages were last updated around 2006 and some information may be out of date. Various software download links are broken but we are working to fix these.

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Most of these programs will work on a compact mac

4th Dimension 3.x (database)
Acrobat Reader 1.x disks 1/2 and disks 3/4
Acta Classic (word processor sorta)
Adobe PageMaker 5, a very old version of Aldus PageMaker can be found here
BBEdit Lite 3.5 (word processor) and 2.1
Biplane (spreadsheet)
Claris FileMaker Pro 2 (I've seen 3 running too)
Claris Impact (presenations)
ClarisWorks 3.x (office)
Datachef (cook book)
Datebook Pro 2.0 (scheduler)
DigSim 2.0 (designing and experimenting with digital circuits
Final Draft (fiction writers helper)
FrameMaker 4.0 (dtp)
FullWrite 2.x (word processor)
GreatWorks 2.0 (office)
HTMLTagwriter 3.3 (Hypercard based html-editor)
Investment Calculator
Layout Freeware (dtp)
Lotus 1-2-3 1.1 (spreadsheet)
MacProject and MacProject II (organizer)
MacSchedule (organizer, like Claris Organizer))
MacWrite Pro 1.5 (word processor), very old version here and a bit less old here
MaxWrite (word processor)
MiniWRITER 1.7.3 (word processor)
More 3.1 (outliner)
Mouse Write (word processor)
MS Excell 3 or 4
MS Works 4.0 (office)
MS Word 5.1 (word processor)
Nisus Compact 3.47 (word processor)
Nisus Writer 3.x (word processor)
OzTeX 3.1.5
Personal Press 1.0 (dtp)
Broderbund Printshop (dtp)
QuarkXPress 3.x (dtp)
Quicken 4.x (financial)
RagTime 3.2. (office/dtp))
Ready Set Go 6 (dtp)
Tex-Edit 2.7.2 (text editor)
TextBridge 1.x
Truss 5.1
TypeReader Pro
WordPerfect 3.0a (word processor)
WordPerfectWorks 1.2 (office)
WriteNow 4.x (word processor), 1.0 (original NEXT version!!!), 2.0, 3.0


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