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Utilities and System Stuff

Most of these programs will work on a compact mac

020 Simulator
4D Server 1.0 (database server)
AccessPC 3.0 (access dos floppies)
adbprobe 1.2
After Dark 2.0 (screensaver)
altcdef1.3 (change scroll arrows)
altWDEF (adds extra button to windows)
Answer (init manager)
Apple CD-ROM 5.3.1 (cd rom player driver)
AppleShare Workstation 3.5 (access a AS server)
Appmenu (sorta application menu)
ASD DiskGuard 1.8
ATM 3.x (use postscript fonts)
Attention (control alert sounds)
AutoIdle (screensaver)
Aurora (change the colors of menu's and windows)
Automenus (sticky menu's in system 6!)
Bail 2.02 (quit before they have fully started)
Basic Black 1.41 (screensaver)
Berenstein Bears Fight
Bigcheesekey (mislead your boss)
Bigpat (desktop pattern organizer in system 7.5 style)
Blood (nasty red spots all over your screen)
Bootblocker (password at startup)
Buttonkey (key combinations instead of mouse clicks)
CALC II (scientific calculator)
Can Opener 2 DA
Carpet Bag (like suitcase or masterjuggler)
ChangeArrow (alternative cursors)
Chicagonice (Aaron/Copland like system font)
Chime (let your Mac chime on the hour)
Chooser user (network user control)
Chuuzr (easer and smoother networking)
Clipboard Magician
Clock adjust (daylight saving time adjustment)
Coloriconmania (make your computer interface even better looking)
Colormaster (a beachball for system 6!)
ComicBase (early version)
Compact Pro 1.5
Conflict Catcher 1.39 (startup manager)
CopyDoubler™ 1.x
Cranki'init 1.0
DART 1.5
DataClub 1.0
Depth charge (control system functions with a key combination)
Desktop Manager (no desktop rebuilds with system 7 and higher disks)
Dictionary of Living World
Digital Diary 1.5
Disinfectant 3.6
Disk Copy 4.2
Disk Express II 2.20a
DiskDoubler Pro 1.1
Disk First Aid
Disk verify
Disktop 4.5.2 DA
Distant Suns 2
DOS Mounter 95 (access dos floppies)
DragAnyWindow (move unmovable windows)
Dragger (change the look of your windows)
Dropcheck (client-server file synchronization)
Encarta 95
Entouteslettres (add an extra menu for font stuff)
Escapade (more keyboard controls)
Escapedammit (escape = cancel)
Extensionlist (a list of init names during startup)
Eyeballs (a pair of eyes following cursor)
FCB Inspector (check and increase maxium amount of open files)
FCB Monitor (check and increase maxium amount of open files)
FindFont (lists fonts, shows sample texts and ID number)
Flashit (screen shots on steroids)
Flex (screensaver)
Foldercheck (Appleshare utility)
Following (changes windows and menubars)
Font/DA Utility
Font/DA Mover
Fontonize (set standard application font)
Free to choose (init manager)
Freshstart (Set startup on steroids)
Get More Info 1.5 (turboboost get info)
Gifconverter 2.37
Go sit in the corner
Gravis BlackHawk Joystick
Gravite (cool gravity effect when moving folders)
GrayShare update (printer share, SW II driver)
Grolier Encyclopedia r6
Guard dog (prevent people from changing your desktop)
Guru 1.2
HD Backup (backup utility)
HDT Toolkit 1.8
Heaptool (set amount of free system heap)
Higher Menus
HOBO Temp 2.0
HyperCard 2.0
HyperCard Player 2.4
II in a Mac
Iconcdev (fake but cool startup icons)
Initcdev (init manager)
InitPicker 3 (startup manager)
Initscope (disable inits by pressing shift at startup)
Initshare (get your inits from a AS server)
Intlrescue (International date preferences)
Inspiration 5.0
Inuse (scsi utility)
InView 3.5
Iomega Guest 4.3
Iomega driver
Juggler Reducer
Keyboardplus (emulate f-keys)
Keyclicks (play a sound at key stroke)
Kilroy (funny)
KwikInvoicer 1.8.4
LabHelper 4.0
LaserPlot 2.0X7
Laseruser 2.5
LaserWriter Lockout (keep certain printers and servers out of the chooser)
LaserWriter Utility 7.4. Part of this file
Let's play Soccer/Tennis
Lido 7.6.5 (disk formatting utility)
Lipservice (a friendly startup message - Macintalk required)
LocalTalk Bridge (install Network Software Installer 1.4.4 or 1.4.5 first)
Lockout (password protection at startup)
Logic 2.5
Logout (tells you about computer usage)
Longshortdates (standardizing date notation)
Macenvy (inspect your hardware)
Macintalk 2.0 (let your Mac talk)
MacLink 8.1 (file conversion)
MacMinix (do unix)
MacPGP 2.62 (encryption software)
MacPrefect 3.0
Macrokey (Macro utility)
MacTools 4.3 (disk utilities), old version here
Maxfiles (sets maximum amount of files to open)
Meminit (shows memory usage in menubar)
Menu ball (shows bouncing ball in menu bar)
Menutuner (hierarchical menus)
Micronet Utilitiy 7.2.7 (disk formatting utility)
Midi mangler (midi port control)
Mindexpander (expands and decodes lots of Internet files)
MODE32 1.2
Moire (screensaver + menu clock)
Mount everything (scsi utility)
MPJ Astro 1.3
Network Software Installer 1.4.4
Network Software Installer 1.4.5
Networktime (set the accurate time using a network time server)
No desktop clean up
Norton Utilities 2.x (disk utilities)
Notify (make your Mac remind you of something)
Now Utilities 3.x
Onehand 2.0
OnGuard 3.2
PICture This
Pikapat (desktop pattern manager like in system 7.5)
Pram (check pram settings)
Pram Autorestore
Printer Share 1.1.2
Pyro (screensaver)
PopChar 2.7.1
pstrimmer (postscript filetrimmer)
QTVR Player 1.0
QuicKeys 2.x
QuickTime 2.5
RamDisk+ 2.01 and 3.23
RAM Doubler 1.x
Ram Start
Recourse Resolver
ResEdit 2.1.3 and 2.1.1
Resume to finder
Retrospect 2.1A (backup software)
SAM 3.0 (virusscanner)
Sav-o-matic (automatically save files)
Scale Fonts (scale font sizes not available in system)
Schuzzy 3.02 (scsi utility with 'disk lite')
SCSI info
SCSI park
SCSI Probe 4.x (scsi chain manager)
SCSI saver (let shard disks sleeps)
SCSI tool
Screen Ratio
Set File Count
SetupPartitions 1.x
Simpsons Init
Shared Library Manager 2.0
Sleeper (set your hard disk to sleep and dim the screen)
Snap to (modify dialogs)
Snapz (very good for full color screen shots)
Snooper 2.x (hardware check)
SoftPC 3.01 (emulate dos)
Software Bridge 1.0
Software FPU
Sound Converter
SoundManager 3.1
Sound Master 1.x (play a sound at all kinds of system events)
Sound Mover 1.74
Space (a key combination shows you the disk space left)
Speech Manager 1.1
Speedbeep (alert sounds manager)
Speedometer 3
Stacker 2.0 (make more disk space)
Stripfat (remove useless ppc code)
Stuffit Lite 3.6 ((de)compress files)
Stuffit Expander 4.0 decompress files)
StuffIt Deluxe 4.0 ((de)compress files)
Subliminal (subliminal messages to keep the spirits up)
Suitcase 2.1 (font management)
Superapple 2.1 (change the Apple of the Apple menu)
Super Boomerang 3.x
superclock (menubar clock)
Swatch (system processes watcher)
Switchbeep (changes altert sounds randomly)
System picker (change startup system folder)
System switcher (change startup system folder)
Take a break (tells you when to take a break)
TattleTech 2.17 (check your hardware)
Tear off (Lets you tear of menu's from the menu bar)
Telemagic 10.0
Temperment (deletes temporary files in the system folder)
Text trap (capture text)
The Red Queen (network packet compression)
Three button power (trackball driver)
Toggle (set 68020 cache)
TOPS 3.0
Trapper (check what your Mac is really doing)
TrueType 1.0 (handle Truetype fonts)
Twilight (dim screen)
Victoire (game cheating)
Voicebox (speech control panel)
wdefiii 3.1 ((give your Mac a NextSte
Whoiswho (all about your Mac)
Windchooser (change the look of your Windows)
Winstacker (arrange your windows differently)
World Time (a world clock control panel)
Zap (reset pram)
Zipit 1.3.5 ((de)compress files)
Zoombar (control the looks of your windows)
ZXSpectrum 1.0 (emulator)

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