68000-mac-faq-97-12 =================== This file describes what works on 68000 macs like Plus, SE, Portable, Classic and PowerBook 100. The file is formatted as setext so you may use Easy View to browse it. The version numbers and directories in the URLs may have changed so look around. Use a local info-mac mirror, if possible: The latest version of this file is available at: Check also mac-internet-faq at: -- Matti Haveri 68000 compatible software ------------------------- Some apps and extensions that still work on 68000 macs. In parentheses notes and RAM requirements. (Compatibility tested mainly on 4MB PB100 or Plus; System 7.0.1*). Note that also newer versions _might_ work. System 7.0.1* leaves 3131K free memory on a 4MB PB100; additional MacTCP 2.0.6 and MacPPP 2.0.1 leave 3015K free memory. System 7.5.5 leaves 2918K free memory on a 4MB SE. Anarchie 1.6.0 (ftp-client; v2.0.1 crashes) AOL 2.7 AppDisk 1.5 (RAM-disk) ApplWindows 2.0.2 (hierarchical application-menu) AutoDoubler 1.0 Basic Black 1.4.1 (minimal screensaver) BBEdit 3.5.1 (a great text editor) BBEdit Lite 4 BeHierarchic 1.0.5 (hierarchical apple-menu) Black Night 1.0.5 (terminal emulator) Canvas 3.5 CDIconKiller 1.4.1 (suppresses custom icons on CDs and speeds up Finder) ChunkJoiner 2.1.2 (concatenates files) ClarisDraw 1.0v3 ClarisWorks 3.0 Compact Pro 1.50 (*.cpt and *.hqx coder) Cricket Draw 1.1 Cricket Graph 1.3.1 Cricket Paint 1.0 DA Piggyback 1.5 (converts DAs into apps) DeltaGraph 1.5 DeskWriter 3.1 (printer driver) Disinfectant 3.7.1 (anti-virus utility) Disk Charmer 3.0.8 (formats floppies in background etc) Disk Copy 4.2 (handles *.image files) Disk Copy 6.1.3 (handles *.image files; supports also NDIF format) DropStuff w/EE 4.0 (a must-have addition to StuffIt Expander) Dynodex 3.5 Easy View 2.62 (setext- and digest-browser) Emailer 1.0 (email-client) EndNote Plus 1.2.1 (bibliography manager) Eudora Light 1.3.1 (email-client for System 6) Eudora Light 1.5.5 (email-client) Eudora Light 3.1 (email-client; more features but slower than v1.5.5) Excalibur 2.3.1 (LaTeX, plain text and clipboard spelling checker) Excel 4.0 (RAM 2048) Extensions Manager 2.0 FaxSTF 2.6.1 (fax-utility) Fetch 3.0.3 (ftp-client) File Buddy 3.4.8 (handles file-types etc) FileMaker Pro 3 FirstClass Client 3.1 Flash-It 3.0.2 (screen captures) Folder Icon Cleaner 2.0.2 (deletes custom folder icons) Forward Delete 1.1.4 FreeHand 2.02 GIFConverter 2.3.7 (opens GIFs, JPGs, TIFs, PICs; RAM 1500) GIFwatcher DA 2.2.0 (opens GIFs) GnuChessMac 4.0 (chess game) HyperCard 2.0v2 IC Type 1.1 (changes type/creator based on Internet Config's mappings) ICTypeChanger 1.1 (changes type/creator based on IC's mappings) Illustrator 1.9.5 Internet Config 1.4 (shares internet configs for many TCP-apps) InterSLIP 1.0.1 (SLIP client) Ircle 1.5.6 (irc-client) JPEG Convert 1.0 (converts GIF, PNM, RLE, TARGA <-> JPG) Kermit 0.99(188) (terminal emulator) MacDraw II 1.1v2 MacGzip 1.1.1 (*.gz coder) MacinTalk 1.31 (this is obsolete from 4/89; v2 also works) MacinTalk 2 (from the PlainTalk/Text-to-Speech 1.4.1 package) MacKnowledge (BBS; RAM 1060) MacLink Plus 7.5 MacLynx 2.7.1b1 (text-only www-client) MacMinix (UNIX-like system that runs as an app under MacOS) MacPPP 2.0.1 (PPP client) MacPPP 2.0.1cm4 (MacPPP 2.0.1 with enhancements like background dialing) MacPPP 2.1.2SD (MacPPP 2.0.1 with some enhancements) MacSLIP 3.0.3 (PPP and SLIP client) MacSOUP (68000) 2.2 (off-line news-client) MacTCP 2.0.6 MacTCP Watcher 1.1.2 (ping crashes v2.0) MacWeb 1.00A3.2 (www-client; v1.1.1 E crashes when saving prefs) MacWeb 2.0 (more features than in v1.00A3.2 but also slower and buggier) MacWrite II 1.1v1 MacWrite Pro 1.0v4 MacWWW 1.03 (Samba; crash-prone www-client) MailConverter 2.2.4 (converts mail-like text files) MaxFax 3.3.2 MenuChoice 2.0 (hierarchical apple-menu) MIDex 1.2.2 (BBEdit extension; converts charsets like mac <-> ISO 8859-1) Natural Order 1.1 (extension; sorts numbers in list views correctly) NCSA Mosaic 1.0.3 (www-client) NCSA Telnet 2.7b4 (telnet-client; v2.6 for System 6) NewsWatcher 2.1.6 (news-client) Norton Utilities 3.2 PageMaker 4.0 Persuasion 2.0 Photoshop 1.0 (RAM 2048) PowerPoint 2.01 Prince of Persia 1.0 (a game) Public Folder 1.01 (allows also System 6 macs to be file-servers) Quark Xpress 3.32 (min RAM 2000, runs on as low as 900) RAM Charger 3.0.1 (apps run in less memory than they normally demand) ResEdit 2.1.3 SCSIProbe 4.3 ShrinkWrap 2.1 (handles *.image files; doesn't create them on a Plus) Sound Mover 1.9 (plays various sound files including .*wav) StatView SE+Graphics 1.03 StatWorks 1.1 StickyClick 1.2 (sticky mousedown á la Windows) Strip fat 1.0a1 (unfattens apps) StuffIt Deluxe 4.0 StuffIt Expander 4.0.1 (a must-have decoder) StuffIt Lite 3.6 (crashes occasionally) SuperPaint 3.0 Tex-Edit Plus 1.8.5 (text editor) TextToMac 1.32 (converts end-of-line of text between mac, DOS and unix) Thread Manager 2.0.1 Timbuktu Pro 1.0.3 (remote control via screen sharing) TrueType 1.0 (TrueType INIT for Systems 6.0.5-6.0.8) TTConverter 1.3 (converts TrueType fonts mac <-> win) UULite 2.0 UR (uucoder) Valuefax 2.0.9 Virex 5.0b (virus utility) Word 5.1 (RAM 2048) WriteNow 4 YA-Base64 1.2.0 (base64 decoder; v1.2.9 crashes) YA-NewsWatcher 2.0.3b0 (news-client; v2.3.4 crashes) ZTerm 1.0.1 (terminal emulator) ZipIt 1.3.8 (*.zip coder; handles also segmented zip-files) uuUndo 1.0b5 (uudecoder) Xlator 1.1 (converts eols and charsets of text) System software --------------- 68000 macs are supported up to System 7.5.5. System 7 needs at least (2.5-)4MB RAM. The last freely distributed System 7.0* (DD floppies) and 7.0.1*; remember to also get the 7.0.x tune-up: Systems 6.0.3-6.0.8: TrueType INIT and TT-compatible Font/DA Mover for Systems 6.0.5-6.0.8: Systems 5.0-7.0.1* (7.0* on DD floppies) and some localized 7.0.1* systems: ...System files are often stored as *.image files which can be opened and transferred to floppies with DiskCopy or ShrinkWrap: Note that the Plus and some older SE's don't have a SuperDrive so you can only use DD floppies on them (you can't use PC-formatted floppies with these old macs). ShrinkWrap allows you to mount .image files as virtual disks on your desktop; this enables macs without SuperDrives to access virtual HD floppies and install software from them (you can transfer the disk image to the mac via network, compressed and split on multiple DD floppies etc). If you have PC Exchange installed, you can also mount PC-formatted images this way. TIP: You can make a boot-up floppy including AppleShare and connect to AppleTalk network; this allows CD-ROMless macs to install system software from another mac's CD-ROM drive etc. ...QueComp (tel: 612-623-0903) has out-of-business Applied Engineering AEHD PlusDrives for $99. Resurrect your old Plus or SE that does not have a SuperDrive without having to replace the board in the computer (impossible on the Plus; expensive on the SE). AE made three external floppy disk drives for Macintosh and Apple II computers: 1. AEHD PlusDrive - SuperDrive Compatibility for the Mac Plus, SE and II. 2. AEHD 3.5" Drive - 1.44MB Drive for SuperDrive Equipped Macs. 3. AE 3.5" 800K Drive - 800K Drive for Macintosh and Apple II Computers. System 7 has built-in AppleTalk file-server, to which also System 6 macs can connect. Public Folder 1.01 allows also System 6 macs to be one-way file-servers: minimum requirements for the net -------------------------------- MacPlus, (2.5-)4MB RAM, 20MB harddisk, (2400-)14400 modem, System 7.0* and MacTCP 2.0.6 are the practical minimum requirements for PPP connections. Only MacPPP 2.0.1, MacSLIP 3.0.3 and InterSLIP 1.0.1 currently work on 68000 macs (SimplePPP might work but I haven't tried it). MacPPP 2.0.1cm4 and v2.1.2SD are enhanced versions of MacPPP 2.0.1; 2.0.1cm4 enables background dialing, for instance - MacPPP 2.1.2SD has enhancements like: fixes problem with Config PPP not being able to access it's prefs file if the Finder closed the control panel on a low memory error, terminal window is larger and scrolling of text off the top is a little cleaner, shows the 115K and 230K rates in the Port Speed popup (and has 4800 as a slowest port speed vs 1200 on v2.0.1). (Note that MacPPP 2.0.1 variations fail to redraw the PPP "up" symbols on screen (after the 1st connection; no reboot between connections) unless you cover and uncover them with other windows). You need MacTCP for TCP-connections like direct ethernet or PPP- and SLIP-connection via modem. MacTCP is included in System 7.5 and above. Apple dealers sell MacTCP but also "The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh" (Adam Engst, Hayden Books) book includes it, among other utilities. MacTCP can also be found on the net: MacTCP 2.0.4: MacTCP 2.0.6 and some developer stuff: MacTCP 2.0.x to 2.0.6 updaters: MacPPP 2.0.1, v2.1.1SD and v2.1.2SD: Commercial MacSLIP supports SLIP and PPP (requires at least System 6.0.7): InterSLIP 1.0.1: On 68000 macs telnet-, ftp-, mail-, news- and tcp-apps like NCSA Telnet, Fetch, Anarchie 1.6.0, Eudora, NewsWatcher and MacTCP Watcher 1.1.2 work fine. Eudora Light 3.1 has many additional features like filters and it also no longer splits large messages; it is somewhat slower than v1.5.5. With MacPlus you can't use control-keys in NCSA Telnet (in ZTerm you can use option or command instead of control). On 68000 macs NCSA Mosaic 1.0.3, MacWeb 1.00A3.2, v2.0, MacLynx and MacWWW 1.03 (Samba) work. MacWeb 1.00A3.2 works better than v1.1.1 E which crashes when saving prefs. MacWeb 2.0 has more features and understands more HTML tags than v1.00A3.2 but it is also slower and buggier. NCSA Mosaic 1.0.3 can display in-line GIFs but with MacWeb you must use an external helper (click and hold on an image icon, choose "Retrieve to Disk" from the pop-up menu and view with GIFConverter or GIFwatcher DA). ...note that often GIFConverter, when trying to open JPEGs with "millions" of colors, gives an "out of memory" error on low-memory machines. A workround is to use JPEG Convert 1.0 to turn the JPEG into a GIF. GIFs are limited to 256 colours and need less memory to display. You can turn DAs like GIFwatcher DA into an app with DA Piggyback; this enables drag 'n drop and automatic launching when used as a (MacWeb 2.0) helper on System 7. Note that you can't change GIFwatcher's default settings (including the window size) once the DA has been converted into an app - you have to set it up the way you want first, then run it through DA PiggyBack. With RAM Charger it is possible to squeeze _both_ MacWeb 1.00A3.2 and GIFConverter to run simultaneously on a 4MB mac. If the default screen in MacLynx is too big it is possible to open lynx.cfg file by a text editor and set the lines on a screen from the default 35 to 24, for example (edit the line: TERM_LINES:35 to: TERM_LINES:24). The home page (or sometimes called the menu page) from Internet Config can be invoked with the 'm' key. The homepage can be set by editing the line: STARTFILE:file://localhost/~/index.html; change it to any valid URL. There are many more options in lynx.cfg file. ResEdit instructions for proxy support in MacWeb 1.00A3.2: With only 1MB RAM, floppy drive(s) and System 6 you can connect via a terminal emulator like ZTerm and use unix apps like pine, tin, ftp, ncftp, sz, rz, and lynx for mail, news, file transfer and www. With ZTerm you can use option or command instead of control when using MacPlus. To save disk space on those 800K floppies install the minimum System 6.0.x that ZTerm requires. You can trash all files except System and Finder, delete unnecessary fonts and DAs from the System file with Font/DA Mover and delete PPC code from ZTerm with Strip Fat to save even more disk space. If you want to use System 6 and connect via PPP, following software versions work even with 1MB RAM: System 6.0.5-6.0.8 (MacPPP 2.0.1 insists that System Folder's name must be "System Folder" so if you are using a localized System change the folder's name accordingly), MacTCP 2.0.6, MacPPP 2.0.1, NCSA Telnet 2.6, Fetch 3.0.3, Eudora 1.3.1 (install also Map control panel from the System disks and set your time zone), NewsWatcher 2.0d13m01, Internews 1.1, MacWWW 1.03 (Samba), MacTCP Watcher 1.1.2 (older versions of these apps may use less memory). MacWWW 1.03 (Samba) works on 68000 macs (at least on System 6.0.5 - it crashes on System 7.0.1*). It opens fine, loads the startup page fine (doesn't know how to read files from disk, text-only, no ISO 8859-1 translation, opens a new window for each link). Do not close any windows as this crashes the mac; also quitting MacWWW seems to cause a crash. Note that with System 6 MacTCP may crash when saving prefs for the first time so check that the prefs are actually saved. To save space on a floppy-only system, install a minimum System for your mac and delete all System Folder items except System, Finder, PPP, ConfigPPP, MacTCP, PPP Preferences, MacTCP DNR and MacTCP Prep; delete also unnecessary fonts and DAs from the System file with Font/DA Mover (keep Control Panel DA, though) - this leaves 322 K of free space on a DD floppy with System 6.0.5 US (MacPlus minimum install). Unfatten also "fat" tcp-apps. Turn RAM Cache off to leave maximum amount of RAM to the apps. misc info --------- If you need to save disk space unfatten "fat" apps with Strip Fat, for example: RAM Charger works also on 68000 macs on System 7. It makes apps run in less memory than they normally demand, only giving them more if they need it. Highly recommended! There is a one-week fully functional demo at: Q: How can I connect slotless macs like the Plus to direct ethernet? A: Farallon, Dayna and Asanté have ethernet adapters which connect to the mac's SCSI port (Farallon EtherMac MicroSCSI, Dayna DaynaPORT Pocket SCSI/Link & DaynaPORT SCSI/Link and Asanté Micro EN/SC & Desktop EN/SC). Note that some of these SCSI ethernet adapters may not work because unlike other macs the Plus doesn't supply current to the SCSI port. Note that SCSI ethernet adapters are quite expensive and slow. An alternative to SCSI ethernet adapters is Farallon EtherMac adapter which connects via LocalTalk port with speeds 5x over the standard 230.4Kbbs LocalTalk rate. Although EtherMac draws power from the ADB port, there is a power adapter for non-ADB computers like the Plus. Another option is to connect to the ethernet via LocalTalk with a software (Apple LocalTalk Bridge and Farallon PowerPath & LocalPath) or hardware bridge (Farallon, Dayna and Asanté). Q: How to open compact macs like the Plus? A: The usual mail-order companies may still have "Mac Cracker" kits, eventhough they don't put them in the catalogue anymore. It's a very long 3/16" allen (hex) wrench, otherwise known as a Torx T-15. Other 68000-oriented sites: Info and old games Mac SE PowerBook 100 faq Systems and apps for old macs Mac 512K MacPlus How to add 4MB of RAM to a Plus MacAntiques Classic MUG Old games To subscribe to Classic Macs mailing list, email to , in the message body write "subscribe classics". To unsubscribe, email to , in the message body write "unsubscribe classics", if this fails because you are not writing from the subscribed address you may instead write in the body of the message "unsubscribe classics correctemailaddress@mydomain". If you need help, send your problem to . Post your messages to . The Classic Macs Archives are found at: . Following people have provided valuable tips and info for my mac pages: Christopher Adams (MacWeb and its external viewers) August Calhoun (additions to 68000 compatibility list) John Delacour (Eudora POP spool trick) Craig Laferriere (additions to 68000 compatibility list) Matti Lipponen (additions to 68000 compatibility list) Bob Nestor (additions to 68000 compatibility list) Fabrizio Oddone (additions to 68000 compatibility list) Andreas Prilop (Eudora Tables) Amitai Schlair (additions to 68000 compatibility list) Judy Trummer (additions to 68000 compatibility list) Knut Vikør (MIME and transliteration) Rick Zaccone (additions to 68000 compatibility list) ...and many more... -end of 68000-mac-faq-97-12-