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MacLynx, a text-only web browser

Thanks to Bo Schnick and Matti Haveri for the following information:

MacLynx 2.7.1 beta 1, is a Mac port by Olivier Gutknecht of the Lynx text web browser. Since it is text-only it should work on black and white Macs, and still support extended HTML features like frames, forms, cookies and proxies. If you want to try it there are URLs below, but bear in mind this is a beta release, and the user interface is not very Mac-like, yet.

MacLynx needs System 7 or later (7.5 required for some features) and MacTCP or OpenTransport.

MacLynx logoDownload MacLynx 2.7.1 (beta1 is English-language, betaF1 is French), or look here.
Note that there is a problem when you first run MacLynx on a small-screen Mac - the default window is too big so the lower part (containing the help-menu) can't be seen. Catch-22: there is no zoom-button on the upper right corner in this beta release. However, you can open the lynx.cfg configuration file (I told you it wasn't Mac-like!) with a text editor and set the lines on the screen from the default 35 to 24, for example. Edit the following line:


The home page (sometimes called the menu page) from Internet Config can be invoked with the 'm' key. The 'startfile' is not necessarily the same:
Change it to any valid URL.
There are many more options in lynx.cfg file.

If you are looking for a Mac OS X version of Lynx, try Lynxlet, an application for launching the text web browser in a Terminal window. It requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later, on a PPC or Intel Mac. Lynxlet 0.8.1 (based on Lynx 2.8.6r5) is also available here.

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