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SE power supply problems

Question and answers culled from Internet mailing list or Usenet newsgroup. Note that these comments may apply to other compact Macs.

My SE's power supply is dead

Does anyone know where I could get a power supply (new or used) for a Mac SE? I am hoping to spend less than $50.
ANSWER 1: When the power supply went on an SE I was using, it turned out that the problem was a cheap diode that shorted out. The Mac was "flupping" or making a cyclic sound like it was trying to power up, but the current protection was saving it from frying. The fan was also twitching slightly. If these are your symptoms, get a friend who has some electronic expertise to simply replace the diode for a couple of bucks.

ANSWER 2: I've also had two or three SEs with a bad off/on switch. Just short around it and use a power strip, or try and find an equi switch.

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