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![]() Just Updated 3/31/2000 New Link pane: Well since my frame idea didn't pan out the way I wanted it to I thought I would try the link pane that so many other sites use. I also moved the Hot Topics list in here as many old browsers and a few people with IE 5 said they had trouble with my popup menu. Sigh :( So now they are displayed all the time on the right of my page. I hope to add more links later. this is mainly a test right now. My main page will be much longer now do to all the screen real-estate being used up by the pane but if you have a larger monitor my window should auto size itself to what ever browser window size you pick? It won't get much smaller then barely fitting a 14" monitor though :( I also moved all the text that used to be at the top of this page to the bottom. I call it my site moto text :) I wanted readers to be able to get to the juicy stuff more quickly then having to scroll through the same text over and over everytime you visited. I hope this is for the better :) Hand Crafted CD bezel for the upper bay: I had installed my CDR in the upper bay of my 6400 being used as a file server and got tired of looking at it with no bezel :( I decided to use an old bezel I had collecting dust and cut it up to fit the CDR. I added it to my 6400 Manual. Playing Star Wars Racer without inserting the CD: I just got Pod Racer and the game is very fun to play and my son loves it :) I did a full install and it still required the CD? Well I wasn't going to let this stop me. I found out what it was looking for and created it. It works very similar to playing UT without the CD but even easier. See my 6400 Gaming page and scroll down till you find the UT posting First you must do a full install or it won't work. Than all you have to do is create a ReadOnly disk image with the name Star Wars Racer and then mount it before launching the game. I made my disk image with DiskCopy 6.3.3 at a size of 1.4M. Smaller sizes may work but I thought I would just stick with the floppy size :) No files are needed in the image. Pod Racers security measure is to try and copy a file called mark.dat to the CD. If it can then the game crashes. It if doesn't find a disk named Star Wars Racer then it won't launch. Pretty simple security measure. I found this out by making a read/write disk image and this file mark.dat kept showing up? I did not see it on the Original CD. Not even an invisible file named the same. So I created a new image that was locked and presto it worked :) Apple TIL on the COMM II slot of the Beige G3: I clipped part of the TIL to show that the slot on the Beige G3 really is a COMM II slot. But it will not work with ethernet cards. Only the COMM II modem. But that's all we care about anyway right :) [http://til.info.apple.com/techinfo.nsf/artnum/n24297 The slot on the personality card uses the same connector as a Comm Slot II connector, and Comm Slot II cards will fit. However, the slot on the personality card is a modem slot, only providing serial support for Comm Slot II-capable modems. This slot does not support Ethernet cards, and should not be regarded as a Comm Slot II slot.] Magicscan software for older UMAX scanner?: Mark writes that he tried Magicscan instead of VistaScan for his Astra1200s scanner and he is loving it. Thanks Mark. [ Dear Tom: http://support.umax.co.uk/drivers/ms440mac.htm Be prepared for a long download, since the file is 28MB. I was able to use a T1 line at college, and it still took over 30 minutes. I tried downloading at home on a 56K and it failed after 19MB was downloaded. I looked on the US Umax site, but they only had version 4.3 of Magiscan listed. Magicscan 4.40 works beautifully on my Performa 6400/180 with the Umax Astra 1200S scanner. I was getting tired of Vistascan where I had a preview window that could not be resized. I liked some of the basic settings (ie Beginner mode), but wanted something a little better. Magicscan is very full featured. I can resize the preview window. There is a proof feature (that Vistascan does not have), and many more things for me to play with. I have also set up a friend who has the Astra 1220S on a Blue&White G3, and Magiscan 4.40 worked just fine. There is one feature in Vistascan that I still use, and that is the Vista Access control strip module, to verify that the Astra 1200S is recognized. Update on using Apples PCI Timing extension: Papa writes that he tried the PCI Timing extension with his Sonnet 300/1M upgrade and it got rid of all his random lockups! Thanks Papa. [BTW, installed the PCI extension as you mentioned on your web site, and my random Finder crashes have disappeared! Also, no more random lockups in Netscape or some of my other more esoteric applications that I had been experiencing.] Farallons Comm II 10/100 Fast Ethernet card not compatible with OS 8.1 and Keyspan USB PCI card installer not compatible with OS 9: Herbert has been exchanging email with me to figure out why he had such poor performance with his Farallon CommII ethernet card in his 6400. He found that their 1.x driver was very suggish and would crash with OS 8.1 and the 2.1 driver did not work at all. He installed OS 9 then the 2.1 driver worked great. But then he had a problem with his Keyspan USB card. The fix was to reboot back to OS 8.1 and run the installer? Man, do we all have to keep several systems installed for situations like this? Possibly? Thanks Herbert. [Thanks, Tom, for all your help! I haven't tried OS 9 on my 6400 yet but I used Apples 1.3.5 drivers which are probably what Keyspan used also and they work great with OS 8.6. Maybe Apples installer will work under OS 9 better? Avid crashing with Sonnets G3 fixed?: Keith was having many issues runing Avid on his 6400 upgraded with Sonnets G3. He found that disabling the backside cache with a Control Strip module called G3 Strip would help but then tried Power Logix's Cache Profiler and he said it fixed all his troubles! Thanks Keith. [Tom, Voodoo3 2D slowdown related to the HD driver?: Tiong writes that he found out that his Voodoo3 had poor 2D performance until he downgraded his HD'd driver to the Apple Drive Setup that came with OS 8.6! Very interesting. Thanks Tiong. [Hi Tom, I wonder if the newer Apple Drive Setup being bundled with Sonnets 1.4.2 installer is all they changed from the 1.4.1 installer? Remember they said all they changed was the installer and not the Crescendo extension.
Just Updated 3/24/2000 Crescendo 1.4.2 installer: Thanks to many of my readers I now have the Crescendo 1.4.2 installer for their L2 G3's. Tiong wrote to Sonnet on what was changed with the 1.4.2 driver and here is their reply. [1.4.2 is not posted because there is no change in the extension's code, just in the way the installer works. It seems all they changed was the installer? I guess they felt this was not worthy of posting? I don't know exactly what they changed but they did it for a reason so I'm posting it for all of you :) Audio cable for a Pioneer 32x SCSI CDRom: Bill just purchased a Pioneer SCSI CDRom to replace the stock 6400 CDRom but the 6400's audio adaptor will not work? I remember someone sending me info on how to modify the audio cable to allow it to fit non-standard Apple CDRom's but I cannot find this info anymore? If you have info on how to do this could you please email me. Thanks. [Tom: More DVD info: Cyril wrote with some info on the previous DVD info I had posted in mny Just Updated 3/18/2000. Cyril has the Wired 4DVD card and here is the previous info I have on it. Thanks Cyril. [Hello.. Speaking about DVD/CD Rom drives, I have been getting more requests for info on replacment SCSI CDRom's for the stock 6400 CD drive. I have a page posted with very minimal info as I haven't recieved much info on this topic. If anyone wishes to send me info on their upgrade experiences with internal CDRoms I would appreciate it :) PCI timing extension may fix L2 G3 audio issues?: I found this on Accelerate Your Mac's web site.
[PCI Timing Update Fixes 6500 Audio Issues? One of the weekend's updates to the Rate Your CPU Upgrade database contained an interesting entry from a 6500 owner with L2G3 upgrade noting the PCI Timing update worked wonders: " Mike, The Audiomedia III PCI digital audio interface PCI card, has not compatible with Newer's L2 upgrade (with audiomedia/iii drivers etc. OFF) . Playback of internal audio files of any kind had popping if G3 was enabled, and would quickly lock up machine. Also serial problems and scsi issues if G3 enabled. Got an external zoom 56k, took out internal geoport. I am an Apple certified tech did everything I knew of, and Newer' support just suggested usual: 2 readers 6400 upgrade experiences: Both Vu Tien and John sent me their upgrade experiences with their 6400's. They both did what most typical 6400 users want to do so I thought I would post them :) Thanks guys. [Hello Tom, I got my Sonnet Crescendo L2-G3 from Small Dogs. I ordered a NewerTech but after 2 months wait, I was told that it is now discontinued. I switched to the Sonnet L2-G3; I couldn't wait for the 300/1MB and so got the 300/512KB instead. Very clear instructions. Very easy to install (5 mn). The Mac booted perfectly and repeatably ran without a crash for one week. IE4 and Outlook Express are still slow to load, but after that they display and refresh INSTANTLY. Flight Sim 98 on Virtual PC 2.1 is now bearable (incredible...). I may even consider now buying Microsoft Office :-). Processor temperature is reported between 55°C and 70°C (we are in Winter and I don't heat much, let's see in Summer). Conclusion, I see no reason why I shouldn't give the Sonnet the maximum score. RECOMMANDED. Caveat: The Geoport still hangs the Mac when it opens a MIDI file while surfing, but this is a known bug that has nothing to do with the Sonnet card. In short: Solution: I made 3 sets of extensions and switch between them 1- to surf the Internet Otherwise, the Sonnet L2G3 accelerator co-exists well with the Orange Micro USB/FireWire PCI card. RECOMMANDED. My 6400 has a new life. I'll use these extensions for some time. When I'm confident enough, I'll start adding more peripherals (CD-RW and mini-DV camcorder, and hopefully a Voodoo-3). Stay posted. Attached is the Claris worksheet listing the basic set of extensions that works well with the L2G3 accelerator. The disabled extensions and control panels are my own old history and stay unused most of the time. I am too lazy to clean them, so they are here for the sake of the truth. [Hi Tom: Info on the naming of Apples mother boards and computers!: John sent me a link to a site that has posted an artical on the naming scheme (or lack there of?) for Apples line of computers. Its very interesting reading. Thanks John. Dual video sources with just one monitor?: I found this info on Accelerate Your Mac's web site Voodoo3 forums. It seems you can use a VGA switch box to run 2 video cards to 1 monitor. Very interesting! [I have this setup you refer to, and it works perfectly fine, without restarting to switch monitors. The A/B box provides a signal to both cards at all times. The switch box idea does work! I tried it on my B&W G3 with a Voodoo3 and ATI VR RagePRO cards but ghosting is a real problem :( I just got a cheapy $19 VGA switch box with 2 extender cables and then I placed a PC to Mac adaptor then a Mac to PC adaptor together to keep the second monitor active so both would be on all the time. The $19 switch box did not make both monitors active on its own as it supplies no signal to the "B" monitor if "A" is selected so the video card on the "B" switch will be off. The problem is that I could only find 6 foot cables and my screen is now majorly ghosted. It is horrible! I will try to find either better cables or perhaps the box is causing the problem? Since SoS also mentioned he had ghosting even with a $100 box I will hope just better cables will fix it? I don't see why this couldn't work for those of you that have the 6400's built in video in/out cards and want to add another PCI video card. If you can get this setup to work without ghosting then you can have both your stock video in/out for TV or video recording and also have a better video card for 3D games and such. Let me know if anyone gets this to work and look nice :)
Just Updated 3/18/2000 Reader Request for DVD info: Brent would like to know if anyone has info on DVD's with the 6400/6500? I have little info posted on this topic mostly because not many 6400/6500 owners tried DVD drives but if you could shed some light on this topic I would appreciate it :) Also please copy me any info you send Brent. Thanks. [The CD-ROM in my 6500 is a gonner. As I looked around for what might be a better replacement than a stock Apple CD drive, I began to wonder about a DVD drive, as they also read CD, RW, etc. I'm not too sure what kind of PCI card I would need to make DVD's run on my 6500, but I was intregued by the simpleness of ESQuest's ad. It lists the DVD drive and a PCI card that "doesn't tax the processor...?" http://www.ezq.com/dvd0020.html - {I did not see info on a DVD drive but just the PCI card on this site? Tom} Anyway, I could not find anything on your site about this setup. Not that your are not spending an exorbatent amount of time providing your services to us--YOU ARE! :-) --but it doesn't appear that your DVD upgrade info is current? DVD RAM, of course is pretty big too. I have found ads for Mac-compatible, SCSI DVD-RAM and DVD-ROM's, internal and external. But I am having a heck of a time sifting through them, making sense or each's total capabilities, and what additional hardware is needed. I only started off by mentioning the EZQuest DVD-ROM Plus drive, because they have the "simplest" writie-up for us tech-deficient guys. Bottom-Line sells it for 259.00 http://www2.blol.com/bld_desc.t?method=&edp=23378&sid=4e01b9&level=l&af=&ecm= If you could shed some light on more recent hardware developments in DVD and how they would apply to the 6400 and 6500 (I do have both), or post this question to your readers on your site, I would be greatful. |
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CD containing the 6400 Zone plus past history for sale 9/3/1999
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing a CD with my entire up-to-date site as well as my 6400 Take Apart manual plus many of the past Just Updates included? I think this would be a great idea for anyone who hasn't been able to keep up or never saw my site until recently. Also for those of you with Sherlock the CD is even better cause you can tell Sherlock to index the CD and then you can do a search on any topic and if I ever talked about it, you'll find it! I have info as far back as mid 1997. I'm asking $15 which includes shipping for US residents (not sure what the price for international shipments would be yet?) and I will even include a few surprises! To make this offer even juicier I can add some download that you've been trying to get but just couldn't for some reason. Lets put my cable modem to work :)
amazon.com, books and more 7/2/98
I found a great way to earn some money while getting great deals to you on Macintosh books and software plus they have all kinds of other books, music, and more. Please click on the amazon.com link on the top of this page whenever you feel like purchasing something to help sponsor this site. If you're unsure of what you want and wish to get a list of Mac related items, just type Macintosh in the search field on their home page and you will be presented with many choices to select.
Link to my site that gets rid of AOL's ads! 9/16/98
Jeff did some digging in to the new code that displays the frames on my site with AOL ads and found a link that can be used which will not show those annoying ads. Here is the address. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/TMK12v/home.html
Thanks Jeff, for sending this info. PS don't let AOL find out :)
Here's an even better link http://members.aol.com/zone6400 I like this one better :)
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The 6400 Zone is created to help you gain access to useful software updates and great shareware programs that add functionality to your system. It is also a one stop road map to other informative sites for answering your questions. Most of the info here is geared towards the 6400, but it is useful for all PCI Performa models and even the 6500 and all-in-one Macs based on the same. It's even useful to other MAC systems. I will be referring to my 6400/200 clocked to 220Mhz as just 6400/220, OK.
I will keep it updated as often as I can but I don't have much free time to work on it, so I suggest you check back at least once a week. That should be sufficient. If you don't see something you would like to see here or have your own software / web site that would benefit the MAC community, please write to me at TMK12v@aol.com and I will check it out.
I use a Performa 6400/180 OS 8.6, Performa 6400/220 OS 8.6, B&W G3/350 OS 8.6, PowerBook G3/233 OS 9, PM 6100 G3/240 OS 9, and a PowerBook DUO 270c OS 7.5.5. All of the software updates posted here are currently running on one or the other with minimal problems. If I do encounter a problem, I will post it for all to read and respond to. If you are having any problems and would like help just email me and if I can answer it I will, or I will post it here for others to read and respond to.
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Since 1/22/1998
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This page last updated 3/31/2000
This page and all the others in The 6400 Zone web site are the sole property of Thomas Koons and The 6400 Zone
Any duplication must have prior consent from Thomas Koons