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Just Updated 5/18/2000

Apple service manuals back!: A reader of mine has found a link to where all of Apples manuals are. Thank you very much. Below is the link. I suggest not reporting this to major web sites or Apple will find out and close it down again :(

Update on Sonnet Clocker update: Michael sends word that he tried the new clocker and it did not change his G3 speed over 400Mhz? I have already relayed this info to the author and we'll see if a fix can be found?

    [Hey Tom.
    I tried out the Sonnet clocker (thanks for asking them to put this together by the way) but unfortunately, it doesn't work.

    When I select the 6500's bus speed (50MHz), the over-400MHz speeds become available. When selecting them however, nothing will actually increase the CPU speed upon restart. I have a small theory about this. Since the 400MHz G3 runs at 400MHz in both 6400 and 6500 systems, it has both the 8x and 10x bus multiplier. I am thinking there must be some kind of switch mechanism which tells it which multiplier to go with. It would seem that since it isn't getting the faster CPU speeds, this new Sonnet clocker is somehow not addressing the switch, that it's not just enough to tell the CPU to go faster, but that it has to somehow work with that 10x bus multiplier when using a 50MHz system bus. The modified Crescendo extension doesn't cause any glitches, it just isn't running over 400MHz.

    I have no idea if it's even possible to make it do this, but it was worth a shot. Maybe they can figure it out.

Where to purchase Apples TV/Video system for your 6400: I received 2 letters from readers who have found places to buy Apples TV/Video system for your 6400. I tried to email Shreve to see if theirs was compatible with the 6400 but never got a response? Thanks guys.

    [I happened to notice that Shreve Systems ( www.shrevesystems.com ) had the TV Video System advertised on their main page, at the very bottom. I THINK this is the product you've been discussing recently on your site.

    Mike Ackerman]

    [I recently installed the TV/Vidio system "M2896LL/C" in my 6400/180 and have had no problems except that it wouldn't run with my IX3D video card. They are available from Last Avenue Computers in Kansas, contact < Dave@storebytel.com > like $46 +shipping with Avid vidio shop 3.0


Fixing memory leak in OS 9 and Apple TV/Video info: Jim sends word that turning on VM solved his problem with memory leakage. He also says an older version of the Apple Video Player fixed some of his sound input issues. Thanks Jim.

    I have a 6400/200. The problems I have experienced after upgrading to MacOS 9 concern Apple TV & Memory being eaten up.

    Re-installing ver 1.4.2 of the Apple Video Player fixed the sound input selection bug. I have tried the 1.6 version, doesn't work.

    To stop memory being eaten up turn on virtual memory. If you need to use Cubase, or an app which doesn't allow VM, then complain to Apple.
    Later, Jim]

Apple multimedia update on older Macs and Newers updated GuagePRO utility: Eric sends word that all ATI card owners should try Apples new Multimedia update as it will help speed up video acceleration for most all of their cards. Also the new GuagePRO has some new features to try. Thanks Eric.

    Two items of interest to the 6400 crowd:

    1) The new Apple MultiMedia update is a must for anyone with an ATI card in their system, it seems quite a bit quicker. You'll have to extract files with TomeViewer but that's a small price to pay for fixed graphics acceleration. It's now about comparable to 8.6 with Speed Doubler 8 (though SD8 improved some other things too).

    2) The new version of Newer's GuagePRO utility reports that speculative addressing is on and that i/o is properly handled on the Sonnet G3 (I also have the XLR8 utility to up the clock speed of the cache but that probably doesn't mean much). Having speculative on improves performance by some small amount (5% or so, I've heard). It's a much more informative utility now, well worth the small download time.]

As far as I know Sonnets G3 has always reported Speculative Addressing being turned on as it is supposed to improve I/O but some readers as well as me have found that disabling it stops freezes.

Just Updated 5/13/2000

Sonnet Clocker updated!: The author of the original Sonnet Clocker has upgraded it with Nubus mother board settings plus the ability to clock the G3 on a 6500 up to 500Mhz! Now this feature will only work with the Sonnet 400Mhz L2 G3 as it has a 10x G3 CPU to get to 400Mhz on a 6400 but is only set to 8x when on the 6500 to stay at 400Mhz. But Since it has head room, you can try to max it at 500Mhz if used on a 6500 (or 6400 with clocked mother board crystal). The app will time out in a month since he does not have a serialized version of RealBasic so if the person that recompiled the others could do this one, I would greatly appreciate it :) Please email me your results with this clocker. Thanks.

Update on Part number for VRAM upgrade of ATI VR Rage Pro cards: In my past update I wrote that the part number for this seemed to be for an iMac only but Christopher, who bought one, confirms it is the right part for upgrading a store bough ATI Rage VR card.

I looked at the description again and as he told me it looks like they left a "/" out between the ATI and iMac parts so it looks like its only for ATI on a iMac. Thanks for clearing this up Christopher :)

Belkin has USB PCI card issue: I found this on MacInTouch.

    [Kelvin Silburn forwarded a note from Belkin noting a problem with early versions of the company's PCI USB card; the company advises returning this card to the place of purchase for replacement. (Problem symptoms: "At power-up connected devices function correctly, however after a while they 'disappear', and cease to function. The presence of a USB card is detected by Apple System Profiler, but the connected devices are not.")]

OrangeMicro fixes problem with Firewire/USB combo card on a 6500: Yee sent me info that OrangeMicro has released a fix for using their combo card on a 6500, 5500, and 20th Anniversary Mac. It changes your PRAM so it can use PCI bridges on a PCI card. Thanks Yee.

    [Support for the Power Macintosh 6500, 5500 and Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh!! We now have the PCI Bridge Patch for the Power Macintosh 6500, 5500 and Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh. This will allow the OrangeLink FireWire USB board to work on these systems. Simply run this patch program and it will update you system's PRAM. If you wish to remove the patch for any reason just reset your PRAM by starting your Macintosh while holding down the Control-Option P-R keys. ]

The above affect Mac owners may wish to download this patch even if you don't plan on getting this combo card as it sounds like it will patch your Mac to use any PCI card with a bridge chip on it. This may be usefull in the future!

New Digital Video help page: I just started a new Digital Video help page to store any info I get on using the 6400 for, well, digital video work :) I just posted info from Vu Tien on using his 6400 for this type of work. It is very interesting reading and may help you in this area. Note the issues he had with such items as a Firewire card, L2 G3, QT4, and Avid Cinema.

Connecting 5400's internal monitor to a PCI video card?: I have had a request for info on whether this was possible or not and I just received another letter asking the same thing. I don't know if it is possible or not but if you have any info on this could you please email the 2 people asking for help. Thanks.

I read Apples 5400 Take Apart manual and if it is possible it looks like it may be very hard?

Reader Request page change: While looking over the posts I have on this page it seems that either some peoples questions are not getting answered or they are not telling me that it has been answered. So I am going to implement a new policy. If your I do not hear if your request was answered in 6 months from the time I posted it, I will remove the posting without notice. I figure 6 months should be long enough to see if anyone has an answer. If you wish me to keep it up longer just let me know and I will hold it for another 6 months, and so on, No problem :) If you visit my page now you will see posts from over a year ago and I have no idea if they have been answered? For those of you with posts that are aged and you wish to keep it up, please let me know.

Colour StyleWriter 2500 paper size hack: Mark was unable to change the default paper size of his StyleWriter 2500 but found a way to hack it with ResEdit. Thanks for the info Mark.

    As promised details of the Colour StyleWriter 2500 paper size hack.

    1. First copy the Colour SW 2500 extension from the Extensions folder of the System Folder on to the desktop.
    2. Rename the copied extension as something different say "Photo CSW 2500" this will enable you to chose the new hacked extension in the Chooser when you have finished.
    3. Open the renamed extension with ResEdit
    4. Open the PREC resource (the one with the paper icon) by double clicking;
    5. Open the third line of the resulting window it should be 3 90 by double clicking it;
    6. Chose a size of paper you do not use much, I used US Legal, but I am in the UK. Note what button number (BTN) it is.
    7. Change the button name to the name of the custom paper size paper size you wish to use.
    8. Alter the relevant BTN height and width to you custom paper size in pixels, which is the size in mm*4.7.
    9. Save your work.
    10. Put the renamed extension back in the extension folder.
    11. Restart your Mac and the new printer driver should appear in the Chooser.

    Hope it works as well for you as it did for me.
    Good luck

Naming the hacked extension with the name of the size you selected or even the dimentions themselves is a great way to have a visual clue as to what each is (ie, 4x6 CSW2500, 8.5x11 CSW2500 and so on)

Hack to run Unreal Tournament without the need for the CD: I just posted on my 6400 Gaming page, some info I found on Accelerate Your Mac's 3dfx forums on how to hack UT to get rid of the need for the CD. It will require a full install of the game to work. Please only use this if you actually own the game. i don't want to promote Piracy :)

New SCSI DVD drivers: Yee sends info that Intech has updated their CD/DVD drivers to allow SCSI DVD drives to work now on a Mac! This is great news for us as before you had to use an IDE DVD drive to get full use of the drive. Thanks Yee.

    [Hello I hope you remember me, I am the one who had managed to hack the pioneer 303s DVD drive into the 6500 and i just want to inform you that this morning, intech just updated their CD rom speedtools to version 5 and have included support for SCSI DVD drives. With the drivers, I can now use the hacked Apple DVD software player to playback ALL DVD movies that i have as opposed to a few limited titles before.

    My system:
    6500 with Sonnet 400L2 G3
    128 MB RAM
    ATI VR 128
    Pioneer 303s with hacked region free version 110 firmware
    using CD/DVD speedtools version 5
    orangelink firewire/usb combo card]

Update on Mac OS 9.0.4 and memory leak: Michael sends word that he had a memory leak very similar to Stephen's that I posted in my last Just Update. Thanks for the info Michael.

    [Hey Tom. Here's a link to a post I made at the Apple BB regarding the same user's memory leak. He never even replied to it so I don't know if he knew it was there.

    http://discuss.info.apple.com/boards/performa.nsf/424f8fb007a848d1862564c60 074f8f1/f80ae93f7a628707862568d2000e35ad?OpenDocument

    I know that Mac OS 9 and 9.0.4's Finder code is very similar to 8.6 (and they all three are generally stable but notorious for throwing a hissy fit when some of the slightest things are messed with) so that's why his memory leak sounds so much like the one I had under 8.6. The problem I had was with PPPMenu, a really handy modem-related control panel that bundles with FreePPP. I don't know for sure if that's his problem but he did mention in his post that he is running FreePPP, if he dropped PPPMenu in his system folder the same time he installed FreePPP that could be it.(PPPMenu doesn't install itself, it just comes in an extra folder with the installation and a readme.)

    From his post there I also think it just -could- be due to all the software he's running, conflicting among each other which then turns around on his Mac OS 9.0.4.(He mentioned normal operation, "without" the memory leak using 42MB!) My Mac OS 9.0.4 took 18.1MB on its first startup this morning and in the two weeks I've had it installed, it's never gone over 21MB all told, with OpenTransport on the net and applications running using either virtual memory or RAM Doubler 9. From reading so many info sites warning about not even thinking about installing Mac OS 9 on anything less than 64MB, and even WITH only 64 to be seriously worried about speed in these older Macs, I was expecting the worst, yet Mac OS 9 and 9.0.4 run faster for me with the G3 off than 8.6 did, at least as fast as 8.5.1 and maybe even faster than that OS, and they really don't bloat at all. So if it's not PPPMenu that is causing his problem, I wonder how much time he spent reconfiguring extensions.

    Anyway, hope this helps, see ya.

Here is another letter I got from Per on this issue. Thanks Per

    You're not the only one with this problem, i had the same problem on my 8.5.1 system. My computer is also running 24 hours a day. After a reboot the system usues about 22Mb of RAM. I go asleep, and when a wake up about 8-10 hours later the system is using about 55-60Mb of RAM, but the strange is: i didn't have this problem while i was running 9.0.4!, but i reinstalled my system because i thought 9.0.4 was running to slow on my 7300/166... I have only experienced this problem in 8.5.1...

    Excuse my bad english... im swedish :)

In the past I have read that netscape can cause this problem. Also you system memory usage will grow with use because extra libraries will be used as you use more apps. Sometimes the memory is not freed when you close the app that requested it. Also the system itself will use up ram when it activates items like the Geo modem or OpenTransport and Apple Talk. Virtual Memory is somewhat of a fix as it changes the OS's file mapping system from a 68k coded one to a PPC native one that allows PPC apps to use less memory. This also seems to fix the problem where the system may not give up its hold on memory from libraries no longer needing it. I know it will not cure all the memory leak issues but its worth a try. Other sources of info on this topic are MacFixIt and Accelerate Your Mac. You will have to search for this info but I know they covered it at one time.

L2 G3 Upgrades
PCI Timing Extension
My 6400 TA manual
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OS 9 info
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Spec Comparison Page
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install review

Sonnet Tech
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install review
hack for stability
Sonnet clocking
Crescendo 1.4.2 installer

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Avid Cinema
Cable/DSL Modems
Digital video help
Firewire and USB cards
Geo Modem
Gaming News
iMovie info
MacOS 7.5.x - 9.0 info
Magma PCI Chassis
USB and Firewire cards

6400 Icons
ColorStyleWriter4000 OS 9
Crescendo 1.4.2
OT 2.6 and OT 2.6.1
SetVolume to 1 script
Sonnet Clocker
Sonnet Clocker II
UK Telecom software
Vimage drivers, latest

From Apple-
Mac OS Forums

Performa 6400 Forums

From Accelerate Your Mac-
3DFX Forums

CD containing the 6400 Zone plus past history for sale 9/3/1999

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing a CD with my entire up-to-date site as well as my 6400 Take Apart manual plus many of the past Just Updates included? I think this would be a great idea for anyone who hasn't been able to keep up or never saw my site until recently. Also for those of you with Sherlock the CD is even better cause you can tell Sherlock to index the CD and then you can do a search on any topic and if I ever talked about it, you'll find it! I have info as far back as mid 1997. I'm asking $15 which includes shipping for US residents (not sure what the price for international shipments would be yet?) and I will even include a few surprises! To make this offer even juicier I can add some download that you've been trying to get but just couldn't for some reason. Lets put my cable modem to work :)

amazon.com, books and more 7/2/98

I found a great way to earn some money while getting great deals to you on Macintosh books and software plus they have all kinds of other books, music, and more. Please click on the amazon.com link on the top of this page whenever you feel like purchasing something to help sponsor this site. If you're unsure of what you want and wish to get a list of Mac related items, just type Macintosh in the search field on their home page and you will be presented with many choices to select.

Link to my site that gets rid of AOL's ads! 9/16/98

Jeff did some digging in to the new code that displays the frames on my site with AOL ads and found a link that can be used which will not show those annoying ads. Here is the address. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/TMK12v/home.html
Thanks Jeff, for sending this info. PS don't let AOL find out :)

Here's an even better link http://members.aol.com/zone6400 I like this one better :)

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The 6400 Zone is created to help you gain access to useful software updates and great shareware programs that add functionality to your system. It is also a one stop road map to other informative sites for answering your questions. Most of the info here is geared towards the 6400, but it is useful for all PCI Performa models and even the 6500 and all-in-one Macs based on the same. It's even useful to other MAC systems. I will be referring to my 6400/200 clocked to 220Mhz as just 6400/220, OK.

I will keep it updated as often as I can but I don't have much free time to work on it, so I suggest you check back at least once a week. That should be sufficient. If you don't see something you would like to see here or have your own software / web site that would benefit the MAC community, please write to me at TMK12v@aol.com and I will check it out.

I use a Performa 6400/180 OS 8.6, Performa 6400/220 OS 8.6, B&W G3/350 OS 8.6, PowerBook G3/233 OS 9, PM 6100 G3/240 OS 9, and a PowerBook DUO 270c OS 7.5.5. All of the software updates posted here are currently running on one or the other with minimal problems. If I do encounter a problem, I will post it for all to read and respond to. If you are having any problems and would like help just email me and if I can answer it I will, or I will post it here for others to read and respond to.

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Since 1/22/1998

If any of the links do not work properly, please send an email to me the Site Master
This page last updated 5/18/2000

This page and all the others in The 6400 Zone web site are the sole property of Thomas Koons and The 6400 Zone
Any duplication must have prior consent from Thomas Koons