Hi Tom, If you'd like to post the pics, here is a short version of how to put a V5 in a 64/6500: 1) Open the left side cover of the 64/6500, including the metal cover. 2) Locate the clip holding the motherboard cables and pull it outwards to loosen the cables. At the same time, make a concave shaped hole (as deep as your cables can stretch) in the motherboard cables in the area directly behind the PCI slots area. 3) Attach the V5 onto the outside slot (the one farther away from the motherboard) and slide the motherboard in slowly with the left side cover still off. Once the motherboard is totally in, make sure that your motherboard cables aren't pinched. 4) Put back the left side metal and plastic case. One other note: One easy way of dealing with the power cable that you have to attach to the V5 from your power supply is to take the top cover of the 64/6500 off first so that you have access to the power connector of your power supply in the 5.25 bay. Then have the V5 mounted on your motherboard, place the V5+motherboard almost perpendicular to the back of your 64/6500, route the cable so that the connector can come through one of the slots located behind the 5.25 bay, hold the head of the connector there without pulling the entire cable through yet, then turn the motherboard so that you can slide it into the 64/6500. While sliding the motherboard in, gently pull the cable upwards so that the cable won't get stuck in an awkward position (if you don't pull the cable while sliding the motherboard in, it may just get caught on something). Once the motherboard is in and secured, connect the power cable before closing the top cover. Hope this info will help those wanting to put a Mac V5 in their 64/6500. : ) Regards, Tiong ------------------------------------------------------------------------ just openned my 6400 and i found a better way to fit the card. now it'll actually fit a card as long as the 6400/6500 itself! 1. u need to remove the left side plastic panel and the metal one as well. it has like 12 screws. also make sure u remove all HD's because it might get bumpy whem working in your 6400. 2. you have to remove the black box thats at the bottom of your comp. its the speaker box! theres 4 hex screws at the bottom of the case w/ rubber ends that must be removed. after the removal, simply pull the box out. if needed, unplug the speaker cable. the plug for it is at the top end of the case. its the only 2 wire plug. now u have all that space to work! 3. you'll notice theres this pillar thats holding the cables. u need to remove that. theres also a screw at the bottom of the case holding the pillar. u also have to remove the diskette drive for this as well. inside the diskette bay, theres this button like part of the pillar that has to be pushed down so the pillar could come off. after pressing this simply pull the pillar towards the rear of the case. u might break the 2 little bottom feet off. u dont need them. after the pillar is removed, replace the diskette drive. 4. MAKE SURE U HAVE REPLACED THE DISKETTE DRIVE, then press the cables to the other side of the case (towards the right side of the tower. towards the motherboard slot), make sure u also keep the cables high so such that u could give the card some room. grab some duct tape and tape the cables down. DONT block the motherboards slot w/ the tape. now u'll notice all the new fould space for that V5. pat yourself on the back. u might want to insert the motherboard to see if u have cleared enough cable to the top to fit the card. also note that the V5 HAS to be placed on the PCI closest to the mic/speaker plugs. the fans on the V5 wont fit on the other PCI due to its fans. also, since the card will need a power suply, u could use the one on the main HD or from the top SCSI bay. if u want to use the top power, make sure u give enough room for the power cable to come out. if using the power from the main bottom HD, u will need to remove the panel again to reach that plug. 5. when replacing the pillar, make sure the arm that held the cables faces u. u could also remove it. Then replace the speaker. if u need more help my e-mail is deku@lvcm.com