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Installing an Up-to-Date System 7.0.1¥

Maximize Convenience by Connecting with Modern Computers

a short article by Tyler Sable, spam at fenestrated separated by dot from net.
Find me on the 68kMLA forums as TylerEss

Install 7.0.1¥ | Install Networking | CDROM Support | TidBits | Summary and Links

Smaller Macintosh computers with 68000 or 68020 CPU chips or that can't be expanded to 16MB of RAM are still lovely computers with many years of useful life in them. As these machines age, interchanging data with newer computers becomes more and more difficult. To help make using System 7.0.1¥ as easy as possible, I've assembled these directions for installing what I believe to be the most up-to-date 7.0.1¥ available.

I recommend this configuration for any 68k Mac with a hard disk and a 68000, 68020, or 68030 slower than about 25Mhz. This configuration should also be considered for faster Macs that are limited for some reason to less than about 16MB of RAM.

After installing the software listed here and in the companion article System 7.0.1: Favorite Add-Ons, you'll be left with a 7.0.1 that can share files with Windows, Linux and MacOS X clients by FTP and Classic MacOS computers by Apple File Sharing. CDROM support is included, with the ability to mount Windows CDROMs that have long file names. Printing to TCP/IP based printer sharing, such as that built into MacOS X and most laser printers, is also available. Many of the user-interface features of newer MacOS versions, such as Apple Menu submenus and menubar clock, are in the updated 7.0.1¥, too.

Is installing all these newer and updated features practical for users with old, slow Macs? You bet it is! After following all these directions, My Macintosh LC boots the updated 7.0.1¥ in an average of 44 seconds from the moment the power switch is turned on. This includes 24 seconds waiting for the "Happy Mac" icon to appear. That means this 16MHz MC68020 computer boots an OS with all these features in an average of only 20 seconds!

Even the Mac Plus, SE, and Classic can join the party, despite only holding 4MB OF RAM. The fully updated 7.0.1¥ requires only 1666KB RAM, including QuickTime. Since the 68000 Macs don't support QuickTime, RAM required on those Macs will be even less! That leaves plenty for doing real work!

Install System 7.0.1¥ | Top

The first step is to install System 7.0.1, which is downloadable from Apple here. After it is installed, install the System 7 Tune-Up 1.1.1, which is available from Apple here. Now you'll be running stock System 7.0.1¥.


Install Networking Software | Top

To form a base to add network software onto, install Network Software Installer 1.5.1. Download it here.

Help prevent crashes by installing AppleShare Workstation 3.5. Download it here.

For access to TCP/IP networks (such as the Internet), install MacTCP 2.0.6. From Apple, it is only available as part of a 1.9MB development kit. Alternately, download just the Control Panel from this local mirror. Drop it onto your closed System Folder. For improved performance and resistance to several outdated Denial of Service attacks, be sure to update MacTCP to Version 2.1. Download the patch here.

If you'll need to dial-up to the Internet, you'll need MacPPP. Download it here.


Install CDROM Support | Top

You'll need several pieces of software to begin CDROM support. Download CDROM Software Installer 5.3.2 here. Since you probably don't have an Apple CDROM drive, download the "universal" version of the "Apple CDROM" extension here.

Run the CDROM Software 5.3.2 Installer and restart when it tells you.

Once you're back up and running, drag version 5.3.1 of "Apple CDROM" (Extension) and drop it onto your closed System Folder. Tell the Macintosh that you want to "replace", and Restart again.

Now your Macintosh will support nearly all SCSI CDROM drives.

Install TidBits | Top

Several new Macintosh features from 7.5 were ported back to System 7.0.1. You'll want to install Thread Manager and Macintosh Drag and Drop.

Drag and Drop is another of those "Development Kits" that are a huge download. A local mirror of just the extensions is here.

Another Apple software feature you need is QuickTime. Version 2.5 is the last free version and the best one for System 7.0.1. A local download mirror is here. QuickTime 2.5 installs Sound Manager 3.2, so you don't have to worry about updating Sound Manager anymore.

Also included are two Apple enhancements for MoviePlayer: "Goodies" and "Authoring Extras". Drop these two into the same folder as MoviePlayer to add new features!

Completion! | Top

Party! You've now installed a very complete and functional System 7.0.1. It should boot in a little less than 2MB of RAM and is ready to run all your 68k software. There are but a few 68k applications that won't work with the updated 7.0.1. These require CFM-68k or OpenTransport, and are most likely too fat for the Mac you're using, anyway.

Don't forget to read the follow-up, System 7.0.1 Favorite Add Ons to get the scoop on all the other software Apple should have provided.

Got any good ideas for how to improve this page? Email me. Spam at fenestrated separated by dot from net.

Summary | Top

Here's the download links referenced, in a table for your enjoyment.

System 7.0.1


System 7 Tune-Up 1.1.1


Network Software Installer 1.5.1


AppleShare Workstation 3.5


MacTCP 2.1

Development Kit (big)




Apple CDROM Software 5.3.2


Apple Universal CDROM Extension


Thread Manager


Macintosh Drag and Drop

Development Kit (big)

QuickTime 2.5


Text and Images copyright 2003-2008 Tyler Sable