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The 6400 Zone is created to help you gain access to useful software updates and great shareware programs that add functionality to your system. It is also a one stop road map to other informative sites for answering your questions. Most of the info here is geared towards the 6400, but it is useful for all PCI Performa models and even the 6500 and all-in-one Macs based on the same. It's even useful to other MAC systems. I will be referring to my 6400/200 clocked to 220Mhz as just 6400/220, OK.

I will keep it updated as often as I can but I don't have much free time to work on it, so I suggest you check back at least once a week. That should be sufficient. If you don't see something you would like to see here or have your own software / web site that would benefit the MAC community, please write to me at TMK12v@aol.com and I will check it out.

Hot Topics

Site logo contest web page: Judging begins today! Go and check out all the submissions I have and email me with the number of the image you wish to have as my next Home Page logo :) Please put the number of the submission in the subject line of your email so I can sort them easier. Thanks. Good luck all!

Just Updated 2/2/2000

Site logo contest: The judging begins today. Good luck to all that submitted a logo. They're all winners in my book :)

Popup Menu: Thanks to Jeff I know have a popup menu for my Hot Topics list above. It was very easy to do once I saw his coding. All the other web sites I visited that have these types of menus had some sort of CGI or Java Script control how the menu worked. I knew it had to be easier and Jeffs is by far much better then what they all had. Thanks Jeff!

I'll have more info posted soon. I just wanted to anounce the start of the contest.

Just Updated 1/29/2000

QuickTime 4.1 stand alone installer: Here is a link to Apples stand alone installer for QT 4.1 for all of you that might be having trouble with the auto update feature of QT.

Apples Auto Update updater to 1.1.1: I don't know about you but I can't seem to update anything with OS 9's auto updater. Here is a link to a stand alone version of Apples auto updater for those of you that can't auto update with the current auto updater! What a tongue twister :) Still I cannot get the Input Sprockets 1.7.3 even with the new updater? I have tried many different ways to get it that I have read on other sites but none of them work for me? It will download the files OK but then it says that "some of the checked files were not installed". Well I only had the one and it didn't work? Sigh!

Vimage Final driver version info: Bob wrote to let me know that he was having some trouble with his Vimage G3 and the final release verion on Interwares site fixed it. Thanks Bob. I also have a link to this drive on my Vimage Info page.

UPDATE: I have been getting reports that the Interware link is not working. I can't get any of my links to Interware to work right now? So here is a link to the drivers on my site :)

Newer Guage Pro issue with L2 G3's and info on Newers G3: Ric sent me some info concerning Newers new Guage Pro utility when used to see info on Sonnets L2 G3. He got a very interesting reply. Thanks Ric.

If you notice the highlighted area I made you will see that Newer mentios that some L2 G3's switch CPU's (from stock to G3) when a driver is loaded in the extension folder. From this I get that Newers does not switch CPU's and must boot directly to the G3 from the beginning? I reported some time ago that another company named www.joecard.com was working on a L2 G3 that did just this but they stopped work on it. Well it seems Newer has done it and this must be why their L2 G3 is most compatible with video cards and sound apps. Vimage attempted this by doing the soft reboot once the extension was reached to try and get all the extensions to see a G3 CPU but video some video cards did not like this softboot.

Here is another letter I found on MacFixIt's site that further confirms that Sonnets L2 G3 does not update all parts of the 6400 when it boots to let it know it has a G3 instead of a 603e CPU. I also noticed this when I tried Linux on my 6400. The CPU info in Linux reported a 603e CPU with a 300Mhz speed.

Sonnet 400Mhz L2 G3 for the 6400!: I was surfing through Sonnets web site the other day and noticed a few discrepencies with their ads. Here is a letter I wrote to them and check out the great reply!

Is this great news or what! Finally a 400Mhz card for the 6400. Newer had announced one but cancelled production but now Sonnet has it. One thing I do wonder is that the 500Mhz card for the 6500 and the 400Mhz card for the 6400 should have the same CPU with 10X bus ratio so would a 400Mhz card run 500Mhz in a 6500? Would save some money :) Maybe the Sonnet Clocker app could make it work? If anyone tries please let me know.

OT 2.6 under OS 8.6 update: Joe wrote to let me know he is having a memory leak using OT 2.6 under OS 8.6 on his Yikes G4. Below is an email discussion I had with him. Thanks Joe

I haven't noticed this and will look into it. I see you must not have VM turned on. I have RamDoubler which may be masking the issue on my end? I use manual IP setup to COX cable @home service.
> Tom,
> I have been using Open Transport 2.6 on my Yikes! G4/400 for a few
> days now and have noticed a strange side effect. It seems that there is
> some kind of System memory leak caused by OT 2.6 when it is used with
> Mac OS 8.6 on my G4.
> My G4 has 256 MB RAM installed and before installing OT 2.6, the
> System used between 45 and 50 MB RAM in the "About this ..." window and
> it would never go much higher than 50 MB. Now, with OT 2.6 in place,
> after several hours of use, the System memory usage climbs steadily
> higher. Yesterday, after about 8 hours of use, the System was using a
> bit over 80 MB of RAM.
> Adding OT 2.6 was the only change I made to the System Folder
> recently so it seems this new RAM usage must be caused by the new OT.
> Have you noticed this behavior on your B&W G3? I am using a Road
> Runner cable modem (DHCP server) with the G4.
> Joe]

I checked my B&W G3 and my 6400 and neither seem to have a memory leak but like I said I use RD on both which might mask the issue. I haven't tried without RD yet and I asked Joe to try VM and see what happens. Email me if your having this issue.

Well not everyone is having this issue. John writes that all is perfect with OT 2.6 under OS 8.6 on his 6400. Thanks John. He is having trouble with RD 9 though :(

More info on 128M Dimms in a 6400: D. Lawson sent me a link to info on 2K 128M dimms. It is quite interesting reading and I copied the text of one of the postings and pasted it below. Thanks D. Lawson

So even if the card is designed with 4K refresh chips, the way they are installed can make the Mac see them as 2K. Below is a reply I got from one of the postings I found on that site. Sounds promising as a 7600 was not supposed to be able to use 128M Dimms either. Just check any Mac Memory catalog. They all listed 64M as the highest that I saw. This is getting better :)

Wired4DVD no go with a 6400?: Jordan sends word that he tried Wired'd DVD PCI card in his G3 upgraded 6400 and it still is not fast enough to play DVD movies. Thanks Jordan.

I have info posted on my My Reviews page from another reader who says the card works great. He also had a Pioneer drive but I don't know if it is the same model Jordan has?

Just Updated 1/21/2000

RamDoubler 9 out: Connectix posted info on RD9 which is needed to run under OS 9. I could not find the link to the download page myself but MacsOnly had a link to a hidden page which is working right now. I will test it shortly on my PB with OS 9 and on my other Macs with OS 8.6.

RamDoubler 9 feed back: I found this info on Accelerate Your Macs web site and it doesn't look to good? On the other hand I jsut installed RD9 on my B&W G3 and my PB G3 and both seem fine to me. MacBench5 scores did not change more then 2% in favor of RD9 so I'm not having a problem yet.

[Ram Doubler 9 Feedback: Here are two reader replies to my request for RD9 feedback in yesterday's

I ran RamDoubler 9 on my upgraded Powercenter 150 (433MHZ G3) and MacbEnched it.
The drop in performance was jaw dropping. I went from 1350 to under 1000. Or about a
35% drop in performance. Uninstalled it immediately.
John Oswald"

Another reader noted some stability issues in his system:

On my recently upgraded 6500 (now has a Sonnet G3/L2 500 card and Voodoo 3, running
OS 9), I was running perfectly for about 72 hours straight until installing RAM Doubler 9, at
which point I had a few random lock-ups, as well as IPNetRouter's faceless background
application failing to work properly. Needless to say, I have removed RAM Doubler 9 and
am running perfectly again. That, and while running RAM Doubler, my system used an extra
3mb of RAM that it didn't use under OS9's VM.
-Jarod Wilson "]

New Aqua look!: Well what do you think of my new Aqua navigation bar? I thought I would not only give my site an update but also give you all a look at the new Mac OS X interface :)

Kaleidoscope Aqua Scheme: Here is a link to where I got the Aqua look from. It is a scheme for Kaleidoscope and it looks great!

QT 4.1 is out: Apple has released Quick Time 4.1. You can use your QT updater app found in the QT folder to update your version. I just did it and it is about a 6M download!

L2 G4 upgrades for 4400's!: I found this info awhile ago and decided to post it now. Phase5 made a L2 G4 upgrade for 4400, StarMax, and Umax Apus computers. No word one for the 6400/6500 so if you really want one I suggest emailing them :)

[Phase 5 Lowers CPU Prices: This press release just in:

"phase 5 digital products reduces prices on all shipping versions of G4 processor upgrades for
PowerMacs and clones

Oberursel, January 9, 2000: German manufacturer phase 5 digtal products significantly lowers
the MSR prices for all available versions of G4 processor upgrades for PowerMacs and
compatibles with immediate effect. The new prices for these products are as follows:

Maccelerate!7400-350 (G4 350MHz, 1 MB Cache) for PCI PowerMacs US$ 499
Maccelerate!7400-400 (G4 400MHz, 1 MB Cache) for PCI PowerMacs US$ 649 G4
PowerBooster 350/366 (G4 350/366MHz, 1 MB Cache) for PowerMac G3 US$ 489 G4
PowerBooster 400 (G4 400MHz, 1 MB Cache) for PowerMac G3 US$ 639

Maccelerate!7400TA-360 (G4 360MHz, 1 MB Cache) for PM 4400, Starmax etc. US$ 479

Aptus G4-350 (G4 350MHz, 1 MB Cache) for Umax C series and compatibles US$ 499

All products come with a 12-month limited warranty.

Once again, phase 5 digital products provides breathtaking performance and power without the
price. North American customers may order directly from phase 5 digital products from the
website http://www.phase5.de and take advantage of these stunning G4 offers, protected by a
15-day money-back guarantee. "]

Update on 128M DIMMS in a 6400: I haven't heard back from the 6400 user that says he has 2 128M DIMMS in his computer but I did recieve word from Daniel who says it is possible but very unlikely! First let me say this again. IT IS POSSIBLE! It turns out that the 6400 memory controller can use 128M DIMMS but to his knowledge no vendor has made a 128M DIMM to the specs needed to work on a 6400. So they will only show half their value at 64M. Wow this was news to me. So there may be ram out there that will work? I sure hope that guy replies to me :) Thanks for the info Daniel.

Click here to read the memory document he sent me. I don't understand any of it but maybe some of you will :)

For the person who says he has 128M DIMMS working Please supply us with the following info. Thanks.

OrangeMicro FireWire/USB card in a 6400 user info: I finally got some info from a 6400 user who installed Oranges FireWire/USB combo card. Thanks Rick.

The Visor HotSync issue may also happen with just any USB card and not just this one? There are some other readers who just purchased the card and will test the FireWire ports for us. Lets hope those work with out a hitch :)

Rick just sent some more info. It seems he can now get online and hotlink with the Visor. Great!

Here is some info I found on Accelerate Your Macs web site

Issue getting online with a US bought 6400 used in the UK: Mark was having trouble getting online with his 6400 and found out he needed a localized version of the telecom sotware to get it working. Thanks Mark.

Click here if you need the UK telecom version. Mark was nice enough to send it to me :)

Modem Script to give a 28.8k modem 56k speed?: Ed sent me a Hack that lets you transform your 28.8k modem into a 56k modem! Not sure how it works but I think it just increases the port speed (data transmission from computer to modem) to get the higher speeds as you cannot just change a modem to make it 56k without a hardware change. Let me know if it works for any of you. Thanks Ed.

OpenTransport 2.6 on the 6400?: Well most of you may know that Apple released OT 2.6 to fix a denial of service attack that OS 9's OT created and it also is supposed to fix the DHCP issues in OS 8.6 and 9. Well OT 2.6 is advertised as only for OS 9 users and OS 8.6 iBook, iMac DV and G4 owners so that leaves us 6400 cable/DSL modem users stuck. Wrong. I haven't tried the OT 2.6 on my 6400 yet but I am running it right now on my B&W G3 and it runs great! I can get online and use Apple Talk with no issues so far so it is compatible with older systems.

The installer although will not install it on older Macs :( TomeViewer did not work either because the installer file is not a typical Apple tome :( so what did your favorite 6400 Zone guy do? I placed the files on the web for you to download and try for yourself :) I included the 2 OT 2.6 files plus the Apple Talk and TCP/IP control panels from OS 9 in case they were needed? I am running OS 8.6 and just dragged out all six old 2.0.3 OT extensions and dragged over the two new OT 2.6 extensions and all is fine. If you have problems with Apple Talk after this then try the ones I supplied. I don't know if this will work for older OS's but on OS 8.6 and a B&W G3 it does. I will try the 6400 soon. OS 8.5.x and older do not have the DHCP issue so OT 2.6 is not really needed for them anyway.

I placed OT_26.sit on Apples new iDisk (thanks Apple) so let me know if you have trouble getting it to download. Apple just gave me a free 20M of web space. Wasn't that nice of them :)

Cable/DSL router info: Speaking about these, I just found on Accelerate Your Mac some info on routers to let multiple Macs and PC's share one cable/DSL IP number.

Guage Pro utility: Here is a new utility from Newer Tech for displaying all kinds of info on your G3 plus it can due extended memory tests to make sure all is well with your new improved system :)

Gaming Info ------

Hacking the Voodoo3 Pref file to get different resolutions: Yann sent me some info that may be of use to you. He says you can open the Voodoo3 pref file found in your pref folder and change the default resolutions and make other setting changes. He did this because he found that his system was picking a resolution not supported by his monitor and this was why he could not use the Voodoo3 on his 6400 at first. Thanks Yann.

Just Updated 1/8/2000

My site logo contest: Well I am officially starting The 6400 Zones site logo contest. Email me your entries and I will post them on my Logo Contest page. I won't except any entries after Jan 31st so please get them in quickly. Judging will begin Feb 1st and last thru the month of Feb and I will post the winning logo in March. The prize for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places right now will be a CD of my web site (don't worry, for you winners its free). If anyone wishes to donate a prize then please let me know. The judges will be my visitors. Please don't submit any votes until Feb 1st as its not fair to anyone that hasn't sent me a logo yet.

Help with HTML: I need some help on how to make Popups in my web site? I want to add these to make my page a little smaller and still have all the same info present. If anyone can help me please write. Thanks :)

L2G3 upgrade info for the 6400

My Vimage Info page on Vimage's G3 upgrade for the 6400

My Vimage Compatibility page
My Vimage User Letters page
My Vimage install reviews

My Sonnet Tech Info page on Sonnet's G3 upgrade for the 6400

Hack to make Sonnets G3's more stable
My Sonnet Compatibility page
My Sonnet User Letters page
My Sonnet install review

My Newer Tech Info page on Newer's G3 upgrade for the 6400

My Newer Compatibility page
My Newer User Letters page

My PowerLogix Info page on PowerLogix's G3 upgrade for the 6400

L2/G3 comparison page

CD containing the 6400 Zone plus past history for sale9/3/1999

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing a CD with my entire up-to-date site as well as my 6400 Take Apart manual plus many of the past Just Updates included? I think this would be a great idea for anyone who hasn't been able to keep up or never saw my site until recently. Also for those of you with Sherlock the CD is even better cause you can tell Sherlock to index the CD and then you can do a search on any topic and if I ever talked about it, you'll find it! I have info as far back as mid 1997. I'm asking $15 which includes shipping for US residents (not sure what the price for international shipments would be yet?) and I will even include a few surprises! To make this offer even juicier I can add some download that you've been trying to get but just couldn't for some reason. Lets put my cable modem to work :)

amazon.com, books and more 7/2/98

I found a great way to earn some money while getting great deals to you on Macintosh books and software plus they have all kinds of other books, music, and more. Please click on the amazon.com link on the top of this page whenever you feel like purchasing something to help sponsor this site. If you're unsure of what you want and wish to get a list of Mac related items, just type Macintosh in the search field on their home page and you will be presented with many choices to select.

Link to my site that gets rid of AOL's ads! 9/16/98

Jeff did some digging in to the new code that displays the frames on my site with AOL ads and found a link that can be used which will not show those annoying ads. Here is the address. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/TMK12v/home.html
Thanks Jeff, for sending this info. PS don't let AOL find out :)

Here's an even better link http://members.aol.com/zone6400 I like this one better :)

Current Problems with my System

None :)

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I use a Performa 6400/180 OS 8.6, Performa 6400/200 OS 8.6, B&W G3/350 OS 8.6, PowerBook G3/233 OS 9, and a PowerBook DUO 270c OS 7.5.5. All of the software updates posted here are currently running on one or the other with minimal problems. If I do encounter a problem, I will post it for all to read and respond to. If you are having any problems and would like help just email me and if I can answer it I will, or I will post it here for others to read and respond to.

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Since 1/22/1998

If any of the links do not work properly, please send an email to me the Site Master
This page last updated 2/2/2000