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ATI RADEON info page
This page contains info on using an ATI Radeon series card with the 6400.
ATI Radeon on older Macs: I found this blurb on Mike's Accelerate Your Mac web site. we might have another upgrade for our video systems after all :)
[ Notes on Mac Models To Be Supported by ATI Radeon PCI: - A post in the forums here noted ATI's Mac Radeon page answers to this question:
There was an initial problem with 603e based Macs with the Rage128 Orion (noted in my review last year of that card that was later fixed), so this time around there should (hopefully) be no issues. It's good to see that older Macs will be officially supported by the Radeon. I'm hoping the PCI version does appear late in September, shortly after the AGP retail version is released. The Radeon retail card also features a video output port (for TV use). ]
Hopefully as Mike states, ATI has had some time to fix there driver issues with older Macs and that the Radeon will shine through!
3/10/2001 ATI Radeon and the 6400 work great!: I have received some good info from a few readers that the Radeon works great in his 6400 with Sonnets G3 upgrade. Thanks guys! Carl reports that his Radeon seems to have cured the sound issues that previous ATI cards had on his 6400! Could ATI have finally fixed this issue with sound stuttering in games and other audio apps? Lets hope so :)
ATI Radeon and 6500 with Sonnets G3 are a no go?: Rick got a Radeon card for his 6500 and is having trouble with it! Thanks for the info Rick. Seems this ATI card has the same problem on the 6500 as other recent ATI cards do and that they conflict with the stock ATI chips on the mother board when a Sonnet G3 upgrade is installed.
3/23/2001 ATI's Radeon and the 6500, may work together after all: Chris has a 6500 and says it works fine with his Radeon card. He did have to install it in the 1st slot (closest to the mother board) in order for it to work though. The other 6500 owner may have had it in the 2nd slot which is why it did not work for him? Click here for more ATI Radeon info and the 6400/6500.
6/23/2001 ATI Radeon cards prevents ethernet card from working. Swapping PCI slot locations may be the fix?: Robert sends word that once he installed an ATI Radeon card in his 6400 then his Asante ethernet card stopped working? He was able to swap the PCI slot locations and then it worked again but maybe not for all? Thanks for the info Robert.
1/19/2002 ATI Radeon video card may not be immune from audio stuttering for all?: There is a thread on my forums started from a 6400 user who says his Mac is having audio issues even with a Radeon card. Also a 6500 owner says he was completely unsuccessful at getting the Radeon card to even work as long as acceleration was turned on! Seems there just might not be any cure at all for the 6400 regarding audio stuttering and high end video cards or USB cards :( One user swore that just installing a 6500 mother board would fix it. But if the 6500 cannot run a modern video card, what's the point :( Click here for more on the audio stuttering issues.
Tom posted in the forums that he installed the ATI Radeon 7000 video card in his 6400 and it works fine. Thanks Tom. I asked if he could try running dual monitors on the card since that is one of its selling points. I'll let you know if it works when I know :)
7/7/2002 More Radeon 7000 user info: John sent me some info on his experience with the Radeon 7000 video card in his 6400. Thanks John.
As he mentions, some of his issues could be related to the OS he is running. ATI really made the card for OS 9.x and up. Click here for their driver support page. Notice they say that OS 8.6 is not supported. If you are not a gamer then the card should function fine. But I would install OS 9.1 if you wish to use the card for games.
He later wrote with more specific info on how he installed the card. Thanks.
8/5/2002 ATI Radeon 7000 PCI cards in our Macs: A few people wrote to say that this card does work on our Macs but no one said that they tried both monitor ports on the card at the same time? Bob wrote that he tried connecting a monitor on both the cards ports and it worked as expected! Thanks Bob. He also notes his audio issues are gone. Not sure which model Mac he has or if a L2 G3 is installed though? Maybe he will read this and reply back :)
8/18/2002 ATI Radeon cards installed in a 6500. Do they work?: I have been reading a lot of negative reports on my forums from 6500 owners that have tried to get an ATI Radeon card to work in their Mac. I only have one report from a 6500 owner who said it worked and I am unable to contact this person again? If anyone has tried a Radeon card (Mac edition or 7000) in their 6500 and it works, please email me your experience. Thanks. Basically I am looking for experience with 3D games. This seems to be the big problem. 2D works fine but if you play a 3D game, the 6500 will lockup in about 30 seconds!
ATI Radeon 7000 installed in a 6400 works great!: The 6500 has built in ATI chips which seem to cause a problem for 6500 owners of L2 G3 cards and an ATI Radeon card. The 6400 does not have built in ATI chips so it does not have issue with ATI's highend video cards and a L2 G3. Bob wrote with his experience with a 6400 and ATI Radeon 7000 card. Thanks Bob.
I don't know if you noticed but Bob says this Radeon 7000 card cured his audio stuttering issues! Other Radeon Mac edition and Radeon 7000 card owners have mentioned this in the past. It seems ATI has finally fixed this bug with our Macs and L2 G3 cards installed. Now if we could only get them working on the 6500 :(
11/2/2002 ATI Radeon 7000 and Vimage G3 don't work together: Well I couldn't resist since I had the card for testing OSX. I tried it with the Vimage G3 enabled and after the soft reboot Vimges drivers force, I had no image and the monitor appeard to go to sleep? It was hung and I had to reboot with extensions disabled. Oh well, it was worth a try :)
9/9/03 Radeon info for 6500 owners: Yoshihide sent me a lot of info on what he thinks is the problem with running an ATI Radeon card in a 6500. As noted above, many 6500 owners have had issues with the Radeon cards in their Macs and this may be do to the stock video module according to Yoshihide. Click here to read more. Thanks Yoshihide.