This page was archived in 2023 as part of the Mac Hut archive and is no longer updated.

Most of the site pages were last updated around 2001 and some information may be out of date. Various links may be broken.

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Things To Do

This page is here mostly to remind me what things I had planned to do and also so I can keep track of when I started things, but if there is something you would like to see added to it or finished then feel free to bug me about it until it gets done. The following is the actual list of things to do:
  • Finish the PowerBook 500 Series Screen Hinge Fix page (DONE)
  • Make tutorials w/tips & tricks for MacWrite, MacDraw, and MacPaint (not started)
  • Finish the Configuring MacPPP page (started 10/8/1999)
  • Make a simple UN*X tutorial for the Shell Account page (not started)
  • Add some UN*X compatibility stuff (started 2/29/2000) (updated 2/24/2001)
    1. Add a simple vi tutorial
  • Finish the Windows Compatibility section (updated 2/24/2001)
    1. file conversion apps
    2. Mac emulators for Windows
    3. Mac network apps for Windows
    4. etc
  • Write the Mac Compatibility section (not started)
    1. running older apps on new Macs
    2. networking between older & newer Macs
    3. file conversion apps (?)
  • Add a section of software to get Classic Macs ready for the MacOS X interface (DONE)
  • Rewrite ALL of the Specifications so that they only have a link to the Specs from Apple's site & Links to related sites for each (not started)
  • Make some simple diagrams of the physical networking for the various Networking pages (not started)
  • Add a new section on how to set up a proper SCSI chain w/termination info and stuff (started 6/13/2000)
  • Write a section on how to write "hosts" files for MacTCP and OpenTransport (not started)
  • Write a review of the Xsense PalmHUB-5E (not started)
  • Write a review of IPNetRouter (not started)
  • Add stuff about emulators (for Macs and x86 PCs) to the Cross Platform Compatibility section (DONE)