This page was archived in 2023 as part of the Mac Hut archive and is no longer updated.

Most of the site pages were last updated around 2008 and some information may be out of date.

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a collection of original vintage Mac articles by Tyler Sable.

68k Mac Resources @ fen dot net

7.5.5 Zone | 7.0.1 Zone | Software Zone | Hardware Zone

7.5 Zone

Installing a TCP/IP Connected System 7.5.5
Has instructions for installing a Macintosh System 7.5.5 that has maximum compatibility with Mac 68k applications and TCP/IP services. Includes download links to all software. Connect to MacOS X Jaguar, Panther, Tiger file and printer sharing!
Updated System RAM requirements! 4096KB!
Installing Japanese Language Kit 1.0 onto System 7.5.5
Instructions for patching and installing Japanese Language Kit version 1.0 onto System 7.5.5 in a compatible way. Includes download for patch.
System 7.5.5 Favorite Add Ons
Descriptions, availability, downloads, and home pages for the third-party features Apple should have included with System 7.5.5. Connect with modern Mac and Windows computers, read their burned CDs, and improve the usability of the Finder.

Text and Images copyright 2003-2008 Tyler Sable