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a collection of original vintage Mac articles by Tyler Sable.

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Software Zone

Checking your Modern Email with your 68k Macintosh In-depth discussion of methods to connect to modern secured mail services with vintage 68k-based Macintosh computers. Includes two different methods, compatible with all 68k Macintoshes, even ones with 4MB of RAM and a 68000 CPU. Download links for all necessary software.
Which System Software for my 68k Mac?
Overview of System Software 6.0.8, 7.0.1, 7.5.5, and MacOS 8.1. Review of capabilities and limitations of each, as well as my opinion on when each is best used.
Desktop Pictures for SE/30
Later MacOS Classic versions have Desktop Pictures builtin. Earlier versions can use Decor or DeskPicture... but they won't work on an SE/30. Here's how to get a full-desktop picture on a Color QuickDraw-equipped monochrome-only Mac.

Text and Images copyright 2003-2008 Tyler Sable