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a collection of original vintage Mac articles by Tyler Sable.

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Hardware Zone

Overclocking the DayStar Digital Turbo040
The DayStar Digital Turbo040 can be easily upgraded to faster speeds by clock-chipping. More cooling may be required. Here's the story!
Upgrading Your External Floppy Drive
800k floppy drives aren't that useful anymore, since 1.44MB drives can do everything 800k can do and more. 1.44MB external floppy drives are really rare, though. Learn how to upgrade your 800k external floppy drive to use 1.44MB disks!
Quick SCSI Rundown for 68k Users
New, fast SCSI disks are awesome in 68k Macs! There are many resources on the internet to help understand SCSI terminology, but they're a little scattered. Here are a few notes I wrote for a post on the Applefritter forums that can hopefully sort things out.
PowerMacintosh IIcx Documentation
A premier on installing a PowerMac 7100 motherboard into a IIcx or IIci case. Way cuter than a 7100 case, gives you more desk room, and a great home for an orphan 7100 motherboard.
Installation of LC575 Analogue Board into Color Classic
An article describing the modification of both analogue board and Color Classic to allow fitment of Macintosh LC575 et al Analogue board to Macintosh Color Classic chassis. Not for the faint of heart, nor those intent on keeping their machine original. Amazing modification for Takky builders, however!
The Strange Mac LC
Pictures and text relating to the apparently preproduction Mac LC I recently aquired, and a link to discussion about this particular machine.
Rebuilding a PowerBook Duo Type 1 Battery
Notes from my own rebuild of this version of Apple's PowerBook Duo battery. A companion to James Garry's excellent page about the Type 2 battery.

Text and Images copyright 2003-2008 Tyler Sable