This page was archived in 2023 as part of the Mac Hut archive and is no longer updated.Most of the site pages were last updated around 2003-2004, as such various information may be out of date. The forum and equipment for sale sections have not been archived. |
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This page contains links to other helpful websites in the rare case that you cannot find what you're looking for here :) Plus I have a few text documents that you can download to read at your leisure.
Apple's home page - latest Apple happenings plus a whole lot more
Apple TIL on 6400 FAQ's - Here is a link to TIL 24215 that Apple made as a FAQ for us 6400 users
Apples TIL on the 6400 - Stephen sent me a copy of a TIL from Apple that has a whole bunch of info for 6400 users. i suggest you read this as it might help some of your issues. Thanks Stephen.
Apples Legacy Hardware forum - Here is a link to what I consider the new location for 6400/6500 info. It is now called Legacy Hardware and has all of Apples older systems posted in here. There is no longer a specific thread for our computers anymore :( Please let me know if the link works for you? It may not?
Customer-Installable parts from Apple - Here is a link to Apples site that has a list of the latest Macs that link to parts they show you how to replace! To bad they didn't do this with the 6400/6500 :( I thought this might be useful for those of you that bought newer Macs.
Get info site - Apple tech and software info, plus other related topics
Apple Tech Support - link to questions and answers from other Apple users
Macintosh Basic Troubleshooting - link to Apples new troubleshooting web site
Mac OS Late Breaking News - Apple has added this site to display known problems encountered with OS 8.0 and will probably be used for OS's in the future too
OS 7.5.5 technote 1069 - link to Apples technote for OS 7.5.5
OS 7.6 technote 1090 - and - OS 7.6.1 technote 1096 - links to Apples technotes for OS 7.6.x
OS 8.0 technote 1102 - OS 8.1 technote 1121 - OS 8.5 technote 1142 - OS 8.6 technote 1163 - links to Apples technote for OS 8.x
OS 9 technote 1176 - OS 9.0.4 technote 1194 - OS 9.1 technote 2010 - links to Apples technote for OS 9.0.x
6500 website - Patrick just notified me that he has a 6500 website running. Thanks Patrick! There is some good info there on AVID cinema issues so if you have AVID on your 6400/6500, I suggest you go check out his site.
Absolute Mac - Visiting this site is a great way to buy a new Mac. It has comparison pricings from about 30+ resellers for you to make a choice from, then links you to that resellers web site.
Airport setup help for non-Airport ready Macs - The MacResource has a page on setting up an Airport base station on a non-Airport ready Mac. Since the installer won't run on non-Airport Macs you need to use Tome Viewer which allows you to look inside the installer tome and extract the needed software. Then the rest goes as Apple planned. Its still pretty tricky and worth reading if your going to try it. Let me know how it goes if you try?
Another 6400 user web site - Charlie sent me this link to another 6400 users web site with personal experiences posted on this guys troubles and triumphs on using his 6400. Thanks Charlie
Apple Insider - Formerly MacReality. Cool site full of insider news and some good rumors.
Accelerate Your Mac - Just about everything you wanted to know on how to boost performance on your mac.
Gaming News - this is another page on Accelerate Your Mac's site. It has a bunch of tips and help on getting the most out of todays 3D games. - This site comes from the host of Accelerate Your mac. It has the most info I have seen on getting 3dfx's Voodoo cards running smooth on your Mac.
The Ambrosia Cafe - This site has links to a lot of popular Mac help, game, and info sites. - This site has specs on just about every Mac ever made. Its a great referance if your in the shopping mood :)
Mac Fix It - very informative. I suggest you check this site out. I get a lot of my news from here
Mac Hardware - this site has links to a lot on info and reviews on Mac Hardware.
Macs Only! - has some good information, plus help on Power Computing systems
Mac Pruning Pages - home of InformInit
MacInTouch - All the latest inside news
MacWindows - a great site that has lots of info on getting the most out of working with PC users and PC emulators on your Mac.
Monitor Info page - Duane sent me this link to Griffin Technologies page on Monitor info. They say it has a list of 2000 monitors and what needs to be done to connect them to your Mac. Thanks Duane.
Performa 6400 Haven - Another 6400 oriented web site. This one is hosted by Russ. He also hosts a web site named The Apple Coalition. Check this one out to :)
Professional Audio recording help on the 6400 - For those of you in the field of Audio Recording and are having trouble you can write to Egan who sent me some wonderfull info on Audio recording on a G3 accelerated 6400. Please try to limit your questions to Audio issues only as like most of us, he is a pretty busy guy. Thanks Egan.
PowerWatch - very informitive site for Power Computing system users.
StorageView - has reviews and info on just about every HD made today. Go check it out!
The Apple Online Museum - Here is a web site that has much info on past and present Macs with some background on what was going on with Apple at the time of each release.
The Macintosh Stuff Page - Site full of Mac links! David sent me word that he posted a link to my site on his. Well his site is so full of links to other Mac sites that I thought I'd post a link to his site here :)
TSMacs (Tech Support for Macs) - TSM is a Mac-centric site dedicated to providing an environment in which Macintosh computer users can give and receive free technical support and, hopefully, enjoy themselves in the process.
VirtualPC Central - is a site dedicated to helping users of Connectix's VPC get the most use out of it. Cool!
Wired 4DVD info site - I found this web site a week or so ago and the author has some good info on Wired's 4DVD system. It may just work on a 6400/6500 as well. Go check it out. Click here for more info on DVD for the 6400/6500.
WheelerDealer - Mac site in Japan: Here is a link to a web site of a reader of mine in Japan. Its named WheelerDealer. It is all in Japanese so I figured it would be nice for my Japanese friends to visit :) He has also posted a Japanese version of the Sonnet Clocker II. Thanks.
6400 user upgrade experiences - Joshuha, who is a Macintosh Technical Support/ Customer Care agent, sent me info on his 6400 upgrade experiences. He also left his email address if anyone would like to contact him. Thanks Joshuha!
Directions for swapping out stock IDE HD from Sean - Sean sent me some very detailed instructions on installing a new IDE HD in your 6400/6500. It starts with backing up your software to installing the new HD and restoring your data. Thanks Sean!
Letter from Jim Myers - List of things to install or upgrade to if you wish to stay with 7.5.5
Letter from Merv Porter - Another list if you wish to stay with 7.5.5. Both are very informative.
My Apple System Profiler report - A report that was generated on my computer that you can use to help diagnose any problem you may have. Use it as a guide as to what extensions and control panels will work on a 6400 (this is from my 6400/220 upgraded with Vimages 320/1M G3)
How to Open your 6400 - here is my info on how to open your 6400 to add a SCSI drive in the upper bay. Click here to visit my online take apart manual.
PC emulation news - download all the info I have collected on PC emulation software for the MAC
Professional Audio recording help on the 6400 - For those of you in the field of Audio Recording and are having trouble you can write to Egan who sent me some wonderfull info on Audio recording on a G3 accelerated 6400. Please try to limit your questions to Audio issues only as like most of us, he is a pretty busy guy. Thanks Egan.
System error codes - A short description of most all errors you will encounter.
USB info from lems1 - I found this posting at Apples 6400 forums site and thought it contained some great info for anyone getting into USB on their 6400.
Adobe Acrobat Reader Documents for Download
Adobe Acrobat web address: I thought that since I have some PDF files listed I should also include a link to get the PDF reader. Click here to get Acrobat Reader.
Apple's manuals website - this is Apple's official site for their User Manuals. If you are looking for a manual for your system or would like to read about others then check this place out. Type "6400" without the quotes, in the search field for Performa 6400 manuals.
Apple's FTP web address - for those of you that like searching for yourselfs, try this link. It is directly to Apples FTP sites. The 6400 manuals are under desktop but be warned, so are all the other desktop computers Apple sells and they're not in any particular order.
This section has links, to Apple TakeApart manuals, that at one time worked and may or may not still work. Apple shuts down as many of these sites as they can but sometimes they get reposted. So I leave them all here in the chance that one may work at any given time :)
6400/6500 service manual: Apples 6400 Take Apart Manual found!: [These manuals are once again hidding from view :( If anyone finds their new location can you please email the address to me. Thanks] Remember to scan down till you find the largest file for the particular Mac you have and this will be the one with the full manual in it. most are very large like 5M or more. The littler ones are only part of the bigger manuals and they usually don't have the Take Apart section in them :( Here is the link for the 6400/6500 manual. Just delete "powermac.perf_6400.6500.pdf" to see the entire list.
9/20/2000 UPDATE on service manuals: A reader of mine has sent me a new link where Apples manuals are posted. Thanks! I'm not sure if its on Apples web site but most all the manuals seem to be here.
7/7/2001 Link to Apples 6400 Take Apart Manual: Marcus found a link to a site that has the PDF manual for the 6400 again. Thanks Marcus.This site has many Apple manuals! I suggest you go check it out.
1/19/2002 6400 service manual link found again!: I received this link from a reader that has a bunch of Apples Service manuals posted. Thanks. Better get the 6400/6500 manual before its closed!
5/27/2003 Service manuals link found again!: I found another web site hosting service manuals for Macs again. Here is a link for Apple Service manuals and here is a link for Power Computing Service manuals.
7/6/04 - Apple Manuals: Tom sent me a link to a site that has many of them posted for download. Thanks Tom!
My 6400 Take Apart manual posted! - I posted my version of Apples Take Apart manual. No part of my manual was taken from Apples so if there is any wrong info, don't blame them :) I wanted to make my own manual as Apple does not like having their Take Apart manual distributed. I don't have as extensive a manual as they made but I figure what is posted should help most. I still need to work on more mother board related components and hopefully they will be ready soon. Have fun!
2/26/2000 Apple Techinfo on new Macs: Here are some links to Apples very informative info on their new PB G3, iBook, and G4. They have much the same info found in the PDF manuals except I couldn't find any Take Apart info in them? I believe these are for hardware and software developers to get much needed info on the new systems. I wonder if this is going to be the new way Apple posts service manuals for their service centers also?
And lastly a link to all of Apples Developer info:
12/15/2000 Apple has posted TakeApart movies for their latest Macs: Apple has started to post movies containing instructions on how to replace certain parts of their latest Mac offerings. To bad they didn't do this with their older equipment :( For those of you with the latest stuff I suggest checking these links out.
9/29/2001 Customer Installable Parts site from Apple: This only pertains to newer Macs like the iMac and up but I thought I would post it for all as many people with 6400 may one day want a new Mac :) This site has nice QT movies and PDF files on all the parts Apple says customers can install ourselves. Thanks Apple! To bad they won't do this with their older Macs :(