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Most of the site pages were last updated around 2001 and some information may be out of date. Various links may be broken.

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Recent News (Updated: 8/7/2001)
Do you have Classic Mac news? Feel free to send it my way!

Saturday, September 1, 2001:

  • Industry News:
    • MacWorld magazine has had some very good articles regarding continuing to make your older Macs useful in this day and age, so if you get a chance to check out the past few month's issues, please do so.
  • Site News:
    • MAJOR DELAYS: Yes, there are still a few of you awaiting responses from over a month ago and many others who sent more recent e-mails. For the last 3 weeks my personal life has been very hectic because I have had to finish many large projects at work in preparation for my departure and moving back to school (to put it mildly, moving is a stressful and frustrating tast). Not only that, but, almost a week ago, when I finally got moved back into my suite my e-mail program decided to die on me. I have been able to resurrect my 500BM database of e-mails, so none of your messages were lost, but I still cannot retrieve, send, nor save outgoing e-mails. I now have over 1000 e-mails of various natures sitting on my mail waiting to be retrieved. I hope to fix this problem by the end of the week, but without e-mail access it's a bit tricky. Some of the e-mails that I have recieved (the ones that are taking me the longest to respond to) have made me decide to develop some new content, not a lot, but of a nature that needs a bit of testing (and me without any of my Classic Macs at college). Also, I will not ask that you don't send me more mail, I will still recieve it eventually (I hope), but I do request that once I have fixed my mail problems (I will specify so here) that those that have been waiting for responses for atleast 2 or 3 weeks send me an e-mail so that I can make sure no messages have actually gotten lost in all this chaos. I hope you all will forgive me for this mess.
    • My new web server is up and running at, but I have not finished building my server rack yet, at which point I'll bring back the PowerBook 520 Server. I also have a few minor issues to work out with the software and a memory upgrade that I'm waiting for, so although the Classic Mac Web site is indeed on the new web server, I have not yet switched over to point at the new server yet.
    • Reminder: I would like to remind everybody to use to get to this site due to the fact that it's actual web address may change whenever I move (which happens atleast 2 times since I am in college).
Tuesday, August 7, 2001:
  • Site News:
    • Apology: I'd like to apologize to those that have not recieved responses to e-mails yet. I know that there are a few of you still waiting for responses from two weeks ago and many more who sent messages more recently. My busy life has been taking its toll lately, exhaustion prevents me from doing much of the work I'd like to, including working on this site and answering e-mails. Last week I was on vacation (which I should have noted on the site) and now am feeling a bit rejuvinated, so hopefully you won't have to wait much longer for answers to your questions.
    • I'm working on getting a new server which will be hosting the site while I'm at school (I'll be moving back in in three weeks). My plan is to host the site off of a PowerMac 7500, running Darwin (or NetBSD if I run into any problems) and my LCIII (which is running NetBSD). I have a dynamic site framework partially written using PHP & XML, so hopefully I'll finish that by the end of the year and use it to drive the site in an easier to manage method. Depending on how things go with the PowerMac 7500 I may end up putting it in colocation during the summer when I don't have dedicated Internet access, but I'll have to see how much that'll cost.
Tuesday, July 10, 2001:
  • Industry News:
    • The G4 Cube is no more. This was quite a good design with many features along similar lines as many Classic Macs. It will be missed, but atleast you can still get them used.
  • Site News:
Friday, June 26, 2001:
  • Industry News:
  • Site News:
    • Due to the recent news about the ASU site (see above), I'm going to have to make some lists of helpful software and such including their ftp paths :(
    • I've updated when the Classic Server Project will be up for July on the main page.
    • I've got some plans for hosting the site later this year (when I go back to school)... PowerMax sells PowerMac 7500's for under $200 & 7600's for under $300, so with a RAM upgrade and Darwin installed on them (which can now be done thanks to OS X for Legacy Macs). I'll start with either a PowerMac 7500, 7600, or 8600, the PowerBook 520 server, and my LCIII which is running NetBSD. That should be sufficient to host the site and a couple others off of my school's T3 :)
    • Since I've already got a few machines that will be hosting the site, and another one I'll be purchasing later this summer, I need to build a server rack, but currently I have been unable to find any specs on the standard width, depth (not all have a depth), distace between holes, size of holes, and distance of holes from the edge of the framework. If anybody knows a reliable source where I can find this information then please contact me, I'd really appreciate it. I'll be needing to add the usual rack-mount hardware such as ethernet hubs, so I really need it to spec even though I'll be building custom mounting kits for my LCIII, IIsi, PB520, and whichever PowerMac I purchase.
Monday, June 25, 2001:
  • Site News:
    • Yikes, the FTP client I was using died on me (wouldn't show the contents of my FTP account anymore!) so I had to find another FTP client... luckily I remembered I could use RBrowser since I'm using Mac OS X. So, I've finally uploaded the changes from Wednesday.

Wednesday, June 20, 2001:

  • Site News:
    • I've added information on connecting to AppleShared Classic Macs from Mac OS X to the Networking page. Funny thing is I realized the solution while fiddling with the Extensions on a Mac OS 9 system.
    • I've added a link to The Apple Online Museum to the Links page, the author of said site has also been gracious enough to link to this site too. Thanks, Lukas!

Friday, June 15, 2001:

  • Site News:
    • I'm changed the link to the System 7.5 Network Access disk image (found in the System Software section) to the Apple Software Updates article, instead of the direct ftp link (just in case it ever gets moved, not to mention it gives some important system requirements in the ASU article).
    • I've added a little blurb in the Specs section about where to find the Apple Specs database files and viewer applications at the Apple Software Updates site.
    • I'd also like to congratulate all my friends at the Bellows Falls Union High School who gradulated yesterday. Congratulations on a job well done!

Wednesday, June 13, 2001:

  • Site News:
    • I've added links to, a site with info & news regarding emulating Macs on PCs, to the Cross Platform Compatibility and Links sections.
    • I plan on now trying to keep updating this site every other day (except for weekends), so keep bugging me if I start to lax off :) I sure won't be able to keep up with updates every single day as I have for the last few days.
    • I fixed a minor HTML bug in the Boot Disk section.
    • I've added a link to the System 7.5 Network Access Disk in the System Software section (I should have done it long ago!)

Tuesday, June 12, 2001:

  • Site News:
    • Those of you who have web application development experience, please read the Classic Mac Workshop Site Overhaul document which I typed out a week or so ago. This site in in need of an overhaul of the underlying system driving it (currently just static HTML pages) and the document lays out the structure and methods I would like to use to bring the site's current content and some new features to the site's readers using dynamic content.
    • I've added a couple web badges to the bottom of the entrance page, I don't know if they'll stay there forever or find a new home somewhere else in the site, but it's a start.

Monday, June 11, 2001:

  • Community News:
    • Gnome - Tom Spreen has released Gnome, a beat-keeping/metronome application which can be run on any Mac with atleast System 6.0.7 and 100K of available memory.
    • Classic Server Project - The Classic Server Project will be running Saturday, June 16, 2001, beginning at 9:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (ending time to be announced).
  • Site News:
    • It's about time for a new page of news, so here it is! I've also changed the formatting of posted news a bit. I will now put site-specific news under the heading "Site News", other news about Classic Macs, other sites, etc., will be placed under the heading "Community News", and news about new software, hardware, products, etc., will be placed under the heading "Industry News".
    • News regarding the Classic Server Project has been posted to the main page.
    • I've fixed a few bugs in the HTML for the about page.
    • You may have noticed, there's a new logo on the main page, let me know what you think of it.
    • I've added a link to MacTracker in the Specs section.

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