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Recent News (Updated: 3/31/2000)

Friday, March 31, 2000 - In like a lion, out with a celebration of Apple's anniversary tomorrow (see the home section of this site)! I just downloaded and installed the demo of Vicomsoft's SurfDoubler, I think I'll write up a review of it with a list of some features and add it to the Networking and Internet sections. New news page tomorrow?

Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - I've put an OpenGL demo on my personal site (, so check it out if you have a PowerMac and OpenGL (a 3D graphics card is highly recommended). Also, yesterday I got e-mail from Be, Inc., the makers of the BeOS for PowerPC and Intel processors, saying that they had officially released the personal edition of the BeOS. You can download it (it's around 44MB) from for your PowerMac (make sure it will work on it first). I don't have a PowerMac which can run it right now, but I did install the Intel version on a 300MHz Intel Pentium II PC at school and will no longer be returning to Windows on that machine! I love the MacOS and would never dream on replacing it, but the BeOS is very cool to play with (and a great replacement for Windows).

Sunday, March 26, 2000 - Nothing new, just some bad news. The web page which had all the info for repairing the screen hinge on 500 series PowerBooks seems to have disappeared (Ah, the joy of modern technology!) So until I can find my printout of that page (somwhere in my stacks of Mac papers) the PowerBook 500 Series Screen Hinge Fix page is on hold (but now I have more incentive to finish it as it will be the only one around when completed).

Saturday, March 25, 2000 - Well, last night I finished on of the technical drawings for the PowerBook 500 Series Screen Hinge Fix page (one that most of the rest will be based on) and discovered that I had lost the original print out of how to repair the screen hinge problem. Now I'm off to download it again, so I will have to delay a bit more until I feel like taking my PowerBook 520 apart again... Excuse me while I go kick myself.

Friday, March 24, 2000 - I've added a link to The Mothership in the Links section. I'm about to go get my PowerBook 520 off of my table and try to finish the technical drawings for the PowerBook 500 Series Screen Hinge Fix page, so expect those done soon.

Monday, March 20, 2000 - I created a page under the Troubleshooting & Repair section which deals with Floppy Drive problems. I need to remove some stuff from the To Do section (a lot of it has been done). This news page is getting pretty long, in April I'll start a new page. Also, I did a quick port of NeHe's "Porsche" demo to the MacOS using GLUT, so check it out on his site (requires a PowerPC Mac w/OpenGL, sorry).

Sunday, March 19, 2000 - has updated it's logo so I updated that in the Links section. As I have not recieved any e-mail from MacPromote Xchange in a couple of months (it's not running if you haven't noticed) so I have applied for an account from Macinstein Banner Exchange (I will preserve the MacPromote Xchange banner spot for when they get started again). I moved a copy of the link to Resources For The Older Macintosh, in the Links section, to the top of the page so that people see it first and know that it is the best set of links for Classic Macs. I've updated the To Do section a bit (only few things added or finished), and I'm starting to get pissed at myself for not finishing a couple of the important ones yet.

Wednesday, March 15, 2000 - Beware the Ides of March... Actually, today wasn't all that bad, it was downright great! This morning I recieved e-mail from Al, the web master at, saying that this site was the Feature Link! I thought that was cool so check it out at Not only that, but I got my new hard drive (well, used, but it's new to my Classic Macs), so I'll be installing a UN*X distribution on it soon (if all goes well) and will be able to better support users that have requested info on UN*X on the Mac and UN*X compatibility. I will most likely document my installation experiences so that there will be more on how it works. I was also informed that I had not removed links to my Internet Applications installer from the PPP section, so that has been replaced by a link to the Software section which contains all the links. I have decided that some of this Internet software stuff needs to be re-organized within my site (It's getting a bit confusing, even for me). I added a link to Classic Macintosh Computing to the Software section because of the Internet software disk images.

Monday, March 13, 2000 - I have added a link to Classic Macintosh Computing to the links section, I also plan to add a link to this site from the Software section because of its useful Internet access disk images (it's in the To Do section). Actually, now that I think about it, this should be one of the links for theMac Classic once I start work on the Specifications section again. I've started compiling a list of UN*X installation info from various sites in the UN*X Compatibility section.

Sunday, March 12, 2000 - I updated the My Links section so that the list view stuff is more like that of the MacOS (the files are indented below each folder). Some people from the Classic Macs Digest asked for a copy of a Speech demo from Turbo Pascal 1.1 which will work on a Mac 512k, so I put it in the Software section. I also added stuff about connecting a Zip Drive to a Mac Plus to the FAQ. I created a new site for myself at where I can post some of my OpenGL demos when I finish them, but don't expect it to be cool or anything like that (I rarely work on sites other than this one anyway), but it does have a list of all my current Macs.

Saturday, March 4, 2000 - I wrote a My Links section which provides me with quick access, from anywhere, to the sites that I visit every day. That's one less thing that I have to do from the To Do section. I also finished up that question about GUIs in the FAQ by adding a link to Inventing The Lisa Interface . I was looking through a folder on my hard drive which I periodically dump things in which I think might need to be added to this site when I came across a link for the Apple Manuals page, so I added to the Specifications section of this site (which I have yet to rewrite).

Friday, March 3, 2000 - I haven't updated anything today, but I just finished swapping an LCIII case and must say that I was surprised not to need a single screwdriver, it was all simple tabs and everything, even the logic board only had a tab and just slid out... If Apple never did anything else significant it would be famous today for it's case design. Also, I highly suggest that if you have older Macs which use 400K and 800K floppies that you set them up on an AppleTalk network and set up a simple file server to store their files, they are much more reliable than the old disks (and faster).

Wednesday, March 1, 2000 - Well, I updated all the links to JAG's House to the new address at That's all I guess.

Tuesday, February 29, 2000 - Well, as you know by now the Mac is not prone to second Y2K oversight (I will not call it a bug because it's just a dumb mistake that some programmers with a lack of intelligence made), this refers to some devices not recoginizing that the year 2000 is infact a leap year (my watch for example). Anyway, I updated the MacTCP and MacPPP Configuration sections of this site to reflect the changes yesterday to the Software section which removed my Internet software installers and replaced them with links to how to find similar installers at The Mac 512 User Group and JAG's House. I have started a UN*X Compatibility section, but I don't know how much I'll add to it right now, I have other sections which really need to be finished. While looking for stuff on JAG's House I discovered he has a new address at Very cool! But, I now must update all of my links to his site (oh, well... tomorrow). The Parsec self-playing demo was released today for MacOS, Linux, and Windows, I've been waiting for this for a few years now (and only 15 minutes left in the download).

Monday, February 28, 2000 - I got rid of all my Internet software installers which are on my server, I now provide a link to The Mac 512 User Group because there is a much better installer there, I also hope to provide a link to a similar one that I recently discovered that JAG has on his site (It's late at night, so I can't provide a link off the top of my head). I didn't have a chance to update the rest of the pages to the new link.

Tuesday, February 22, 2000 - I fixed a missing quotation mark in the Backup Battery Troubleshooting section which caused a whole table of part numbers to not be displayed. I added new Aqua style buttons to the Entrance page and removed "Finish the new Interface" from the To Do section. I fixed a small problem in the main page (Home) that caused some of the Aqua style bevel buttons to not be aligned correctly (vertically). Added a couple things to the To Do that I would like to do.

Saturday, February 19, 2000 - I'm finally back to my short news comments! All I have done is convert more pages to the new interface and update the To Do page (I also scrapped the SLIP access page, don't worry, it can be returned by popular demand if needed). The updated pages are as follows (they are the last to be converted, so the the old interface is no more, except for a copy on my hard drive):

Friday, February 18, 2000 - Well, I've spent the last two days re-installing my System Software and applications after a very bad case of Illegal Instruction errors (I've now only got one application left which causes them systemwide). Well, anyway, onto the current news. I have converted the following page to the new interface:

Saturday, February 12, 2000 - I've been working on the new interface, I expect that that's all I'll be doing for the next week, except for maybe a few added links on the FAQ. If you haven't heard already, Sony lost its case against Connectix's Virtual Game Station, stop by for more info. I have always been really into UN*X, I guess it's just a hacker's hobby of sorts (in the traditional use of the word hacker), and with Apple's new MacOS X which is based on BSD (a UNIX like operating system) I will finally be able to mix the power of UN*X with the ease of use and cool interface of the MacOS, cool huh! Well, with that said, I'll be trying to add more UN*X compatibility info into this site, after all you can download Darwin (the open source version of the BSD base for MacOS X) for your PowerMac G3 or G4 and various distributions of Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and more, for both 68k Macs and PowerPC Macs. I also added a couple of things to the To Do page. and converted the following pages to the new interface:

Friday, February 11, 2000 - I've been working on the new interface even more. I've started a To Do page so that you and I can keep track of future features (or features still underway as the case may be). I converted the following pages to the new interface:

Tuesday, February 8, 2000 - I worked on the new interface more. I'm glad I picked this one over some of my other ideas, It's much easier to convert all my old pages to the new format than some of the others would have been. I can't believe how many sites have a Aqua inspired themes now, but it's a bit late to turn back now, plus I really like my new interface. I finished the E-mail form on the Contact page (the contact page will make it much easier to change my e-mail address and stuff in the future if I have to. I have a paper to write so I don't know if I'll get to work on the new interface more. I converted the following pages to the new interface:

Monday, February 7, 2000 - I worked on the new layout and graphics for this site, cool huh! This site is based on the GUI for Apple's new MacOS X called Aqua, both of which are TM & (C) Apple Computer, Inc. The new interface includes a Blue & Ice color scheme, a JavaScript enhanced navigation bar (in tab format), and new bevel box icons to replace the old ones. All the graphics are gifs which are optimized for higher resolutions (they aren't as pretty in 256 color modes, but they look better than jpegs when in the screen depths and are smaller). This version of the site no longer has the bug in which it would open each page in a new window while viewing the site in a non-frames mode.

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